_nowhere_ Today [Thruk][1] has released version 2.00 wich is a great milestone and a huge step forward. Instead of adding lots of things, we tried to remove unnecessary dependencies. Version 2.00 comes without the Catalyst framework and many performance improvements, especcially on larger setups.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Nagios, Thruk, omd, Icinga, naemon
Categories:nagios, omd, thruk, naemon

One of the most often requested features is the possibility to place hosts, services and host/servicegroups on a geomap.
Now with release 1.88 Thruk made a major change in its panorama dashboard to support this kind of map too.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Nagios, Thruk, omd, Icinga, naemon, Dashboard, GeoMap
Categories:nagios, omd, thruk, naemon
Naemon & Thruk

Auf dem diesjährigen Monitoring Workshop in Berlin durfte ich Neuigkeiten aus 2 Projekten vorstellen.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Business Process, Dashboard, Nagios, reporting, Thruk
Categories:naemon, nagios, thruk
OMD 1.10 Release

OMD-LOGO_FINAL2 The developer team of OMD (Open Monitoring Distribution) released the version 1.10 today.

This version contains lots of updated packages including Thruk 1.80, Mod-Gearman 1.4.14, NagVis 1.8, check_mk 1.2.2p3 and many more.

Using the OMD Repository installation is as simple as a apt-get install omd. If you have an rpm-based system, it's as simple as yum install omd or zypper install omd.

Author:Sven Nierlein
Categories:mod-gearman, nagios, omd, thruk

Business Prozesse in Nagios zu modellieren gehört zu den beinahe täglich anstehenden Aufgaben beim Thema Monitoring. Die neueste
Thruk Version (v1.78) bringt nun ein Business Prozess Addon mit dem sich Prozesse einfach per Gui modellieren lassen.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Categories:nagios, omd, thruk

fritzdect200-smallIm Februar bestellt und in der letzten Mai-Woche eingetroffen. Die intelligenten Steckdosen von AVM scheinen heiss begehrt zu sein. Jedenfalls kann ich jetzt über meine FRITZ!BOX aufzeichnen, wieviel Strom gewisse Geräte momentan oder aber über einen langen Zeitraum verbrauchen.
Von Berufs wegen juckt's mich natürlich jedesmal in den Fingern, wenn irgendwo Messwerte anfallen. Mein Plugin check_nwc_health kann ja bereits CPU, Speicher und Interfaces einer FRITZ!BOX 7390 abfragen, also war klar, daß die Überwachung der FRITZ!DECT 200 bzw. des gemessenen Energieverbrauchs unbedingt dazugehört.

Die fünfte Ausgabe der ConSol Monitoring Minutes, die sich mit diesem Thema befasst, ist heute ebenfalls entstanden.


Author:Gerhard Laußer
Tags:avm, dect, fritz!box, Icinga, Nagios, Shinken
Categories:monitoring minutes, nagios, omd, shinken, thruk

mm_mg Wie in der dritten Folge schon angekündigt, habe ich zum Thema HSRP ein eigenes Filmchen erstellt. Hier ist die vierte Folge der ConSol Monitoring Minutes, in der gezeigt wird, wie eine mit dem HSRP-Protokoll redundant gemachte Gruppe von Cisco-Routern mit check_nwc_health überwacht wird.


Author:Gerhard Laußer
Tags:cisco, hsrp, Icinga, Nagios, Shinken, snmp
Categories:monitoring minutes, nagios, omd, shinken, thruk


Soeben erschienen: die zweite Folge der ConSol Monitoring Minutes. Getreu unserem Motto “aus der Praxis für die Praxis” zeigen wir darin live, wie die Checks einer großen Nagios-Installation (hier: einer OMD-Site) mit Mod-Gearman an Worker delegiert werden können.

Beim “Schweizer Taschenmesser” OMD (erhältlich über das ConSol-Repository) ist Mod-Gearman bereits integriert.


Monitoring Minutes

Die erste Folge der ConSol "Monitoring Minutes" ist soeben auf YouTube erschienen;
darin geben wir einen Überblick über den Aufbau und die Funktionsweise von OMD und zeigen zuletzt, wie OMD mit wenigen Handgriffen über die Repositories von ConSol installiert und aktualisiert werden kann.




Hier gehts zur ersten Folge: OMD im Überblick - ConSol Monitoring Minutes


Since Version 1.46 of Thruk the number of problems can be dynamically viewed in Thruks favicon. This is quite handy for creating a pinned app tab in Firefox.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Categories:nagios, omd, shinken, thruk

Thruk uses the mod_fcgid apache module which makes Thruk start on the first request. The user then gets a “waiting” page till the fastcgi server has started. When using Thruk all the time, there is no reason to wait till someone makes the first request and you can just fire up the init script after apache starts.

In normal installations there is an rc script in /etc/init.d/thruk which fakes a request and makes the fastcgi server start.

 root@mo:~ #> /etc/init.d/thruk start
 Starting thruk.........(10492) OK

In OMD its even easier, latest snapshots have so called ‘init-hooks’ which are executed after the rc script. You
need to create two files in your site:

  • etc/init-hooks.d/apache-start-post
  • etc/init-hooks.d/apache-reload-post

One of them can be a symlink, because both files will have the same content:

 # check return code of apache start
 if [ $4 = 0 ]; then
   ./etc/init.d/thruk start

So when ever your apache starts / reloads, for example after logfile rotation, thruk will immediatly start too.

Author:Sven Nierlein
Categories:nagios, omd, thruk
Thruk 1.36 Released

Version 1.36 of the Thruk monitoring gui has just been released. The changelog is quite huge this time. There is a new dashboard plugin called the ‘Panorama View’ Addon. There are a lot more reports included now. And finally there is a plugin manager included in the config tool which lets you easily manage your plugins and addons.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Nagios, omd, Shinken, Thruk
Categories:nagios, thruk

Every now and then some of our 7x24 hosts / services need a daily or weekly maintmode for regular restarts. Normally you would have to create 2 new timeperiods because you don’t want both hosts in a cluster to be restarted at the same time. This is not just way to much work, it also adds unnecessary complexity because
nobody can see the maintmode unless you look into the config files.

Thats where recurring downtimes will become handy and latest Thruk Version includes this new feature.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Nagios, omd, Thruk
Categories:nagios, omd, thruk

One of my bigger OMD installations consists of 13 sites. The visualization layer uses the Thruk interface. This alternative web ui can read data from multiple livestatus backends and display the host and service objects in one unified view. For this purpose i have one extra site called gui which only starts an apache process. I then point my browser to http://…./gui/thruk

The addresses of the livestatus backends have to be written into a config file, thruk_local.cfg. Now what if my list of 13 sites would be constantly changing? What if new OMD sites would be created, others deleted on a daily basis? I would have to edit the config file every time. With the new init-hook-feature, OMD will do this automatically for me.


Author:Gerhard Laußer
Tags:livestatus, Nagios, Shinken, Thruk
Categories:nagios, omd, shinken, thruk
OMD 0.54 is available

OMD-LOGO_FINAL2 The developer team of OMD (Open Monitoring Distribution) released the version 0.54 today. This version contains bugfixes and lots of updated packages including Shinken 1.0.1, Thruk 1.26, PNP4Nagios 0.6.17, NagVis 1.6.5 and many more.


Author:Gerhard Laußer
Tags:Mod-Gearman, Nagios, omd, Shinken, Thruk
Categories:nagios, omd, shinken, thruk
Thruk Benchmarks

I often get asked if there are any benchmarks for Thruk so i finally decided to do some tests.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Categories:nagios, omd, thruk
Thruk Release 1.0.9

Thruk 1.0.9 has just been released and contains a couple of cool new features. This version will also be in the next OMD release. Besides the release itself, new documentation about plugins and themes has been published.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Nagios, omd, Thruk
Categories:nagios, omd, thruk
Thruk Release 0.94

Straight on the road to the Thruk 1.0 this will probably the last feature release so far.
The main focus was on usability and accessibility. This version will also be in the next OMD release.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Nagios, Thruk
Categories:nagios, omd, thruk