Sakuli v1.2.0 released!

_nowhere_ It’s about time for a new Sakuli release! Our latest release v1.2.0 is the first version to include a beta of Sakuli-UI, a web UI to help you develop and manage your tests.

The new release also brings a bunch of enhancements and bug-fixes, a detailed changelog is included in this post.

Once again, we want to say THANK YOU for the great support of our contributors, our valued supporting companies and of course ConSol!


Docker Headless VNC Container 1.3.0 has been released today. The different Docker images contains a complete VNC based, headless UI environment for testautomation like Sakuli does or simply for web browsing and temporary work in a throw-away UI container. The functionality is pretty near to a VM based image, but can be started in seconds instead of minutes. Each Docker image has therefore installed the following components:


Author:Tobias Schneck
Tags:docker, openshift, kubernetes, continuous integration, testautomation
Sakuli v1.1.0 released!

_nowhere_ Just in time before X-Mas holidays starts, we crate a huge release of our open source end-to-end testing framework Sakuli. The v1.1.0 release brings a bunch of new features and a brand new documentation with. The list of the current changes you will find bellow. Also we created a Short Overview Presentation so that you be able to get quick intro about what purpose of Sakuli is.

Also we wan’t to say a big THANK YOU for the great support of our contributors, our valued supporting companies and at least ConSol for making this possible as open source software. Double Thumbs up!!!


The Tutorial “Docker based E2E application monitoring with Xfce UI and OMD Labs” describes how to:

  • Implement a complete containerized end-to-end monitoring environment
  • Testing HTML content
  • Testing native UI content
  • Setting up a monitoring with OMD Labs:
    • Grafana graphs about the performance times (end user perspective)
    • Alerts on errors with screenshots
  • Continuous execution of the test suite in a loop

Sources: see


Author:Tobias Schneck
Tags:sakuli, docker, omd, end2end, testautomation, javascript, grafana
Categories:development, monitoring

Docker Headless VNC Container 1.2.0 has been released today. The different Docker images contains a complete VNC based, headless UI environment for testautomation like Sakuli does or simply for web browsing and temporary work in a throw-away UI container. The functionality is pretty near to a VM based image, but can be started in seconds instead of minutes. Each Docker image has therefore installed the following components:


Author:Tobias Schneck
Tags:docker, openshift, continuous integration, testautomation
DevoxxUS - review

DevoxxUS 2017

DevoxxUS has been my first Devoxx outside of Europe so far. It was a total different Devoxx experience for me compared to the six times in Antwerp Belgium that I have been to in the past years.
Yet different it has been a great conference! I would like to share some of my adventures and thoughts in this post.


Author:Christoph Deppisch
Tags:Citrus, Cucumber, BDD, devoxx, testautomation
Categories:citrus, development


In about three weeks [DevoxxUS] will take place in San Jose, California on March 21-23. After having visited Devoxx Belgium six
consecutive times this will be my first Devoxx conference outside of Europe. Once again I am honored
to be a speaker at that conference! After my Devoxx BE talk in 2015 ([Testing Microservices with a Citrus twist]) this is my second time speaking
in front of Devoxxians from all around the world. Fantastic!

This time I am going to talk about behavior driven integration with [Cucumber] and [Citrus].


Author:Christoph Deppisch
Tags:Citrus, Cucumber, BDD, devoxx, testautomation
Categories:citrus, development

Travis CI is a free platform for continues integration tests which fits perfectly in our opensource products workflow with Github. Unfortunately it only supports uploading artifacts to amazon aws. Usually not a major problem, because most tests result in simple text output.
Latest Thruk Tests however are based on Sakuli and Docker and produce screenshots on errors because we do full enduser gui tests of the dashboard and other javascript based parts. So we need a way to store these screenshots on Dropbox.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Travis, Docker, Dropbox, Sakuli, Thruk, Testautomation
Categories:travis, dropbox