OMD 0.50 is available

The developer team of OMD (Open Monitoring Distribution) released the version 0.50 today. This version contains bugfixes and lots of updated packages including Shinken, Thruk, PNP4Nagios, Mod-Gearman, check_oracle_health and check_mysql_health.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:check_mysql_health, check_oracle_health, Nagios, omd, repository, Thruk
Categories:nagios, omd
Labs Maven Repository

Labs got its own maven repository now:

How do I access the repo for my Maven project?

Add the repos to your project POM. Here’s an example for the release repository:

    <enabled>true</enabled>    <!-- Policy: always, daily, interval:xxx (xxx=#minutes, 60*24*7=10080), never -->

How do I release to the repos?

Simply add this profile to your project, and activate it when deploying:


Additionally, you’ll have to modify your $HOME/.m2/settings.xml and configure the user for SSH deployment:

Now you can simply deploy using Maven:
<br />
mvn clean install deploy -Pdist-labs<br />

Note: We only support SSH transport for now, using SSH authorized keys.

Tags:Maven, repository
Categories:maven, development