Last summer I watched the Red Hat master course about Kafka from Sébastien Blanc. The Kafka setup in Kubernetes presented in the course looked pretty easy. The Kafka client implementation for Java seemed to be easy as well. Furthermore, I wanted to use Kafka for a long time, so I got the idea to extend my Istio example. Each time a service is called, a message is sent to a topic. The service (implemented in Quarkus), as well as the Kafka cluster should be in an Istio Service Mesh and secured with mTLS. I found descriptions of Joel Takvorian that Kafka works with Istio, so I knew (or at least hoped) that my plan should work.

This article will describe the overall architecture of the example and which obstacles I encountered during deployment.


Author:Olaf Meyer
Tags:openshift, kubernetes, kafka, istio, kiali

During a discussion with a customer, we talked about which steps are necessary to add an application to a services mesh. Which should be no big deal. Unfortunately, there is not a simple guideline how to do that for the Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh. Furthermore, I was not sure how the requests for the application would look like in Jaeger. To clarify these points, I created a small application. Which I then deployed on OpenShift and added it to a service mesh control plane. This is the documentation of the steps that I have done.


Author:Olaf Meyer
Tags:openshift, kubernetes, istio, jaeger, kiali

During this year’s Red Hat Summit I had the chance to get a glimpse of the latest version of Kiali. This version had some nice features, like the traffic flow of the application graph during a time period (Graph replay). It also contains wizards to create destination rules and virtual services. This demo has struck my curiosity to get the hands on this Kiali version. One obstacle for me was that my Kiali is running in Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh and is controlled by the Kiali operator. Currently, it is using version 1.12. The version that I wanted to try was the latest release version (1.17). The Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh does not support this version. This article describes what we need to do in order to replace the Kiali version of an Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh with the latest version of Kiali.


Author:Olaf Meyer
Tags:openshift, kubernetes, istio, kiali