Fileupload with perl, decorated with a progressbar

With LWP you can easily upload a file from within a perl script. To add some sugar this small example shows how to show a progressbar during the upload. This is especially useful for giving feedback while uploading large files. This technique is based on LWP’s DYNAMIC_FILE_UPLOAD hook for sending files chunk by chunk. BTW, this feature is a good thing anyway in order to avoid sucking large files completely into memory before doing an upload.

From the HTTP::Request::Common man-page:

If you set the $DYNAMIC_FILE_UPLOAD variable (exportable) to some TRUE value, then you get back a request object with a subroutine
closure as the content attribute. This subroutine will read the content of any files on demand and return it in suitable chunks.
This allow you to upload arbitrary big files without using lots of memory.

If embedded in a larger program you should limit the scope of $DYNAMIC_FILE_UPLOAD_VARIABLE to a local scope for minimal intrusiveness.

Here’s the sample for an upload with progressbar (but only when the sweet little module Term::ProgressBar is installed):

use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use strict;
use vars qw($HAS_PROGRESS_BAR);

    eval {
        require "Term/";
        $HAS_PROGRESS_BAR = 1;

my $url = shift || die "No url given";
my $file = shift || die "No file given";
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent();

local $HTTP::Request::Common::DYNAMIC_FILE_UPLOAD = 1;

my $req =
  'Content_Type' => 'form-data',
  'Content' => { "upload" => [ $file ] };
my $reader = &create_content_reader($req->content(),
my $resp = $ua->request($req);
die "Error while uploading $file: ",$resp->message if $resp->is_error;

sub create_content_reader {
    my $gen = shift;
    my $len = shift;
    if ($HAS_PROGRESS_BAR) {
        my $progress =
          new Term::ProgressBar({name => "Upload",count => $len,
                                 remove => 1,term_width => 65});
        my $size = 0;
        my $next_update = 0;
        return sub {
            my $chunk = &$gen();
            $size += length($chunk) if $chunk;
            $next_update = $progress->update($size)
              if $size >= $next_update;
            return $chunk;
    } else {
        return sub {
            return &$gen();
Author: Roland Huß
Tags: LWP, Perl
Categories: misc