Citrus 1.1 released

Citrus 1.1 release is here (download)! The release comes with a bunch of new features and bugfixes. Here is a short list of major features and changes in this release:

  • Apache License 2.0: We decided to switch from GPLv3 to Apache License Version 2.0 within 1.1 release. This is mainly done to give you more flexibility in using Citrus.
  • JUnit support: You can now execute Citrus tests with JUnit. This is in addition to the existing TestNG support, so you can choose the framework you like best.
  • Extended SOAP attachments support: Send and receive SOAP messages with attachments - very nice feature. When receiving attachments you are able to validate the attachment in contentId, contentType and contentData.
  • SOAP fault validation possible: In case a web service responds to Citrus client with SOAP faults, we are now able to handle and validate those. The validation includes fault codes, fault reasons as well as fault details.
  • Spring Integration MessageChannel support: The Spring Integration MessageChannel support adds great possibilities regarding Citrus messaging. You can send and receive messages directly to/from message channels. This means that we can now use the excellent Spring Integration adapters, in order to extend Citrus with new message transports like file adapter and mail adapter.
  • Improved error handling: In case of test failure the exact failure cause and line position inside the test is presented to the tester which simplifies the error analysis.
  • JMS topic support: With this release Citrus is able to publish/subscribe to JMS topics.

This is only a short list of new features and changes. Please see the complete changes report for details. We hope you enjoy the next step in Citrus growing as much as we do.

Author: Christoph Deppisch
Tags: Citrus
Categories: citrus, development