This quickstart guide was written for Debian Lenny (5.0) but probably works with different Linux systems too.

This guide installs Mod-Gearman from source. Use packages whenever possible and only do a source install when there are no packages.

This guide assumes you have a basic nagios system running.

All commands have to be executed as root.

Build Preparation

We need a couple of packages for building Gearman and Mod-Gearman:

#> apt-get update
#> apt-get install autoconf automake make gcc g++ wget tar file netcat uuid-dev libltdl3-dev libncurses5-dev libevent-dev

We will install Gearman in /opt to make later removal easier. For example if there will be a Debian package sometimes. This keeps your base system clean from non-packaged software, but in order to make that work, we have to add /opt/lib to the ld lib path.

#> echo "/opt/lib" > /etc/
#> ldconfig

Install Gearman

We need at least Gearman version >= 0.14. Execute the following steps to install Gearman from source.

#> cd /tmp
#> wget ""
#> tar zxf gearmand-0.25.tar.gz
#> cd gearmand-0.25
#> ./configure --prefix=/opt
#> make
#> make install


Half way done, the next step installs Mod-Gearman.

#> cd /tmp
#> wget "/images/2010/09/mod_gearman-1.4.2.tar.gz"
#> tar zxf mod_gearman-1.4.2.tar.gz
#> cd mod_gearman-1.4.2
#> ./configure --prefix=/opt --with-gearman=/opt --with-user=nagios --with-init-dir=/etc/init.d
#> make
#> make install
#> make install-config
#> cp ./extras/gearmand-init /etc/init.d/gearmand


We need a nagios installation if not already installed.

#> apt-get install nagios3

Gearman runs as user nagios which needs a valid shell:

#> chsh nagios
Changing the login shell for nagios
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
        Login Shell [/bin/false]: /bin/bash

Starting Up

Now we can start the Gearman daemon and our Mod-Gearman worker:

#> /etc/init.d/gearmand start
Starting gearmand done
#> /etc/init.d/gearmand status
gearmand is running with pid 31869
#> /etc/init.d/mod_gearman_worker start
Starting mod_gm_worker done
#> /etc/init.d/mod_gearman_worker status
mod_gm_worker is running with pid 31939

Nagios Configuration

Open your nagios.cfg and enable eventbroker. When using the packaged nagios3 from Debian the file is located at /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg.

broker_module=/opt/lib/mod_gearman/mod_gearman.o config=/opt/etc/mod_gearman.conf

and finally restart nagios:

#> /etc/init.d/nagios3 restart
Restarting nagios3 monitoring daemon: nagios3

Your nagios.log should contain a line:

#> grep mod_gearman /var/log/nagios3/nagios.log
[1295003042] mod_gearman: Version 1.4.2
[1295003042] Event broker module '/opt/lib/mod_gearman/mod_gearman.o' initialized successfully.


We can perform a few tests to see if everything is up and running.


First we have a look at /opt/bin/gearman_top. You should have at least one worker for each queue.

2011-01-07 23:23:24  -  localhost:4730   -  v0.25
Queue Name      | Worker Available | Jobs Waiting | Jobs Running
check_results   |               1  |           0  |           0
eventhandler    |               1  |           0  |           0
host            |               1  |           0  |           0
service         |               1  |           0  |           0
worker_debian64 |               1  |           0  |           0


Then we have a look at the shiped check plugin:

#> /opt/bin/check_gearman -H localhost -q worker_`hostname` -t 10 -s check
check_gearman OK - debian64 has 1 worker and is working on 0 jobs. Version: 1.4.2|worker=1 jobs=2c

The interesting number is the last one, 2c in our case, which means there have been already 2 jobs executed by this worker.


First check if everything is up and running:

 #> /etc/init.d/nagios3 status
 checking /usr/sbin/nagios3...done (running).
 #> /etc/init.d/gearmand status
 gearmand is running with pid 31921
 #> /etc/init.d/mod_gearman_worker status
 mod_gm_worker is running with pid 31939

If one of them is not running, try to start it or check the logfiles for possible error messages.

  • Nagios: /var/log/nagios3/nagios.log

  • Gearmand: /opt/var/mod_gearman/gearmand.log

  • Mod-Gearman Worker: /opt/var/mod_gearman/mod_gearman_worker.log