This plugin checks the alarm directory of a SUN Storagetek Common Array Manager.The CAM is a management software for SUN StorEdge 6130 and SUN StorageTek 6140 and 6540 Storage arrays. Warnings and failures of the managed systems will be written as files into the alarm directory. The check_sstcam plugin reads this directory periodically and forwards newly reported alerts to Nagios. Documentation Usually the plugin is called without any parameters:
nagios$ check_sstcam
OK - cam detected no new errors
Normally check_sstcam monitors all the storage systems known to the CAM. If you want to monitor just one specific system, use the -n option with the name of the system. If you want to monitor more than one system but not all of them, create a config file and use the -f option (if your configfile has a suffix of .cfg, it will be automatically attached).
nagios$ check_sstcam -n The-Big-Storage-2
OK - cam detected no new errors
nagios$ cat /tmp/check_sstcam.cfg
@devicenames = qw(The-Big-Storage-2 6140-primary 6140-secondary);
nagios$ check_sstcam -f /tmp/check_sstcam
OK - cam detected no new errors
If you use the -p command line parameter, the plugin alerts not only if new errors appear, but as long as errors exist in the storage system.
nagios$ check_sstcam -n The-Big-Storage-2
CRITICAL - Storage The-Big-Storage-2 (1 error):
nagios$ check_sstcam -n The-Big-Storage-2
CRITICAL - Storage The-Big-Storage-2 (1 error):
# the CAM software runs on host hundsglump.muc
define service {
service_description check_sstcam
host_name hundsglump.muc
check_command check_nrpe!check_sstcam
is_volatile 1
check_period 7x24
max_check_attempts 1
More examples for different error conditions:
Power supply failed:
nagios$ ./check_sstcam
CRITICAL - Storage fifi1841: Power Supply Tray.30.PowerSupply.B is not receiving input power
Battery failed:
nagios$ ./check_sstcam
WARNING - Storage fifi1901: Battery Tray.85.Battery.A has transitioned to an unknown state
Controller failed:
WARNING - Storage fifi1901: the following volume(s) is/are not managed by their preferred controller Disk01_Vol05
Gerhard Laußer Check_sstcam is released under the GNU General Public License. GPL
Gerhard Laußer ( will gladly answer your questions.