OMD Labs Edition 2.80 has been released today. The OMD Labs Edition is based on the standard OMD but adds some more useful addons like Grafana and Prometheus or additional cores like Icinga 2 and Naemon. This release updates many of the shiped components and adds some more usefull features.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:omd, nagios, naemon, grafana, thruk
Categories:omd, nagios

In diesem Blogartikel wird gezeigt, wie das Monitoring-Plugin check_nwc_health auf eigene Bedürfnisse angepasst bzw. erweitert werden kann.

Ursprünglich sollte nur die Logik des Modes ha-role modifiziert werden, um den Status von Cluster-Nodes nur zu reporten, anstatt zu alarmieren. Heraus kam eine Statusanzeige im Thruk-Frontend auf Basis von Host-Macros…


Author:Simon Meggle
Tags:monitoring, thruk, check_nwc_health

OMD Labs Edition 2.60 has been released today. The OMD Labs Edition is based on the standard OMD but adds some more useful addons like Grafana and Prometheus or additional cores like Icinga 2 and Naemon. This release updates many of the shiped components and adds some interesting options when resolving update conflicts.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:omd, nagios, naemon, grafana, thruk
Categories:omd, nagios

OMD Labs Edition 2.40 for the Raspberry Pi has been released today. A month and a broken SD card (excessive use of /var/swap during the builds) after the release of the x86 version it is now possible to run a full-blown monitoring system on your ARM boards. It was tested on Raspberry 2 and Raspberry 3. If you want to run OMD on one of the older models, you might experience performance problems, especially when you enable InfluxDB and Grafana.


Author:Gerhard Laußer
Tags:omd, nagios, grafana, thruk, raspberry
Categories:omd, nagios

OMD Labs Edition 2.40 has been released today. The OMD Labs Edition is based on the standard OMD but adds some more useful addons like Grafana and Influxdb or additional cores like Icinga 2 and Naemon. This releases focus is on security and maintainance and removes some recently discovered CVEs in Nagios, Icinga and Naemon.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:omd, nagios, grafana, thruk
Categories:omd, nagios

Kiel, 24 Grad, 50 Mann an Bord. Bei unerwartet schönstem Sommerwetter wurde in der Kieler Fachhochschule am 7. und 8. September der elfte Workshop der Monitoring-Community veranstaltet. Das ConSol-Monitoringteam trug mit acht Vorträgen zum Gelingen der Veranstaltung bei. Eine kurze Zusammenfassung:

Bereits mit dem erstem Vortrag nach der Begrüßung, “E2E-Monitoring mit Sakuli”, sorgte Simon Meggle für einen würdigen und technisch anspruchsvollen Auftakt der Veranstaltung. Die Möglichkeit, Sakuli in Docker-Containern einzusetzen und End-to-End-Tests somit praktisch beliebig zu parallelisieren, sorgte für viel Gesprächsstoff.

Damit es jeder zu Hause nachmachen kann, führte Simon dann am zweiten Tag die Teilnehmer in einer Live-Demo durch sein Tutorial “Sakuli-Tests im Docker-Container”.


Author:Matthias Gallinger
Tags:Sakuli, Thruk, OMD, Nagios, Icinga, coshsh, Ansible, Kubernetes

The host- and servicecheck scheduling of Nagios has always been some kind of black box. Checks pile up when using timeperiods which often leads to performance issues while the Nagios host idles again just a minute later. Latest Thruk release (2.06) ships a new addon which visualizes and alleviates this issue.

Core Scheduling Plugin


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:omd, nagios, icinga, thruk
Categories:omd, nagios

OMD Labs Edition 2.10 in has been released today. The OMD Labs Edition is based on the standard OMD but adds some
more useful addons like Grafana and Influxdb or additional cores like Icinga 2 and
Naemon. Todays release is a great milestone because it introduces grafana based graphing out of the box in the usual easy OMD way.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:omd, nagios, grafana, thruk
Categories:omd, nagios

Travis CI is a free platform for continues integration tests which fits perfectly in our opensource products workflow with Github. Unfortunately it only supports uploading artifacts to amazon aws. Usually not a major problem, because most tests result in simple text output.
Latest Thruk Tests however are based on Sakuli and Docker and produce screenshots on errors because we do full enduser gui tests of the dashboard and other javascript based parts. So we need a way to store these screenshots on Dropbox.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Travis, Docker, Dropbox, Sakuli, Thruk, Testautomation
Categories:travis, dropbox
Lidl sucht Mitarbeiter

Unser Kunde Lidl setzt beim Monitoring seiner europaweiten IT-Landschaft in großem Umfang Tools und Plugins von ConSol-Labs ein. Neu- und Weiterentwicklungen der check_*_health-Plugins oder Thruk entstehen häufig im Auftrag von Lidl, wobei die Kollegen dort im Gegensatz zu anderen Unternehmen kein Problem damit haben, die Ergebnisse der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung zu stellen. Von diesem Engagement für die Open-Source-Community kann sich mancher eine Scheibe abschneiden.

Unter findet sich eine Stellenausschreibung für den Bereich Geschäftsprozess-Monitoring. Ich habe das technische und menschliche Umfeld von Lidl kennengelernt und kann nur empfehlen, sich dort zu bewerben. Es erwartet einen eine tiptop gemanagte IT-Landschaft, die so ziemlich jede zeitgemäße Technologie umfasst. Und natürlich Monitoring made by ConSol.

Und jetzt kommt Werbung….

Author:Gerhard Laußer
Tags:OMD, Nagios, Thruk, check_nwc_health
Categories:nagios, omd

_nowhere_ Today [Thruk][1] has released version 2.00 wich is a great milestone and a huge step forward. Instead of adding lots of things, we tried to remove unnecessary dependencies. Version 2.00 comes without the Catalyst framework and many performance improvements, especcially on larger setups.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Nagios, Thruk, omd, Icinga, naemon
Categories:nagios, omd, thruk, naemon

One of the most often requested features is the possibility to place hosts, services and host/servicegroups on a geomap.
Now with release 1.88 Thruk made a major change in its panorama dashboard to support this kind of map too.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Nagios, Thruk, omd, Icinga, naemon, Dashboard, GeoMap
Categories:nagios, omd, thruk, naemon
Naemon & Thruk

Auf dem diesjährigen Monitoring Workshop in Berlin durfte ich Neuigkeiten aus 2 Projekten vorstellen.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Business Process, Dashboard, Nagios, reporting, Thruk
Categories:naemon, nagios, thruk
Erstes Naemon Release

Der als Nagios 4 Nachfolger angetretene Fork “Naemon” veröffentlichte heute sein erstes Stable Release mit der Nummer 0.8.0.
Aber was macht Naemon nun besser als Nagios?


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:monitoring, naemon, Nagios, omd, Thruk


Soeben erschienen: die zweite Folge der ConSol Monitoring Minutes. Getreu unserem Motto “aus der Praxis für die Praxis” zeigen wir darin live, wie die Checks einer großen Nagios-Installation (hier: einer OMD-Site) mit Mod-Gearman an Worker delegiert werden können.

Beim “Schweizer Taschenmesser” OMD (erhältlich über das ConSol-Repository) ist Mod-Gearman bereits integriert.


There won’t be general multi-language support in Thruk, but you may now choose different languages for your reports. The brand new release v1.64 comes with 5 built-in languages and it’s
super easy to add a new one.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Nagios, omd, reporting, Thruk

Monitoring Minutes

Die erste Folge der ConSol "Monitoring Minutes" ist soeben auf YouTube erschienen;
darin geben wir einen Überblick über den Aufbau und die Funktionsweise von OMD und zeigen zuletzt, wie OMD mit wenigen Handgriffen über die Repositories von ConSol installiert und aktualisiert werden kann.




Hier gehts zur ersten Folge: OMD im Überblick - ConSol Monitoring Minutes


Thruk 1.36 Released

Version 1.36 of the Thruk monitoring gui has just been released. The changelog is quite huge this time. There is a new dashboard plugin called the ‘Panorama View’ Addon. There are a lot more reports included now. And finally there is a plugin manager included in the config tool which lets you easily manage your plugins and addons.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Nagios, omd, Shinken, Thruk
Categories:nagios, thruk

Every now and then some of our 7x24 hosts / services need a daily or weekly maintmode for regular restarts. Normally you would have to create 2 new timeperiods because you don’t want both hosts in a cluster to be restarted at the same time. This is not just way to much work, it also adds unnecessary complexity because
nobody can see the maintmode unless you look into the config files.

Thats where recurring downtimes will become handy and latest Thruk Version includes this new feature.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Nagios, omd, Thruk
Categories:nagios, omd, thruk

One of my bigger OMD installations consists of 13 sites. The visualization layer uses the Thruk interface. This alternative web ui can read data from multiple livestatus backends and display the host and service objects in one unified view. For this purpose i have one extra site called gui which only starts an apache process. I then point my browser to http://…./gui/thruk

The addresses of the livestatus backends have to be written into a config file, thruk_local.cfg. Now what if my list of 13 sites would be constantly changing? What if new OMD sites would be created, others deleted on a daily basis? I would have to edit the config file every time. With the new init-hook-feature, OMD will do this automatically for me.


Author:Gerhard Laußer
Tags:livestatus, Nagios, Shinken, Thruk
Categories:nagios, omd, shinken, thruk

You probably have noticed that development of the new Nagios-compatible monitoring system Shinken progresses very fast. Every few hours there is another commit at GitHub, where Shinken’s code repository is hosted. Now if you want to try all these new features immediately, there’s a very easy method which requires a simple update-command instead of a fresh install.


Author:Gerhard Laußer
Tags:monitoring, Nagios, omd, Shinken, Thruk
Categories:nagios, omd, shinken
OMD 0.54 is available

OMD-LOGO_FINAL2 The developer team of OMD (Open Monitoring Distribution) released the version 0.54 today. This version contains bugfixes and lots of updated packages including Shinken 1.0.1, Thruk 1.26, PNP4Nagios 0.6.17, NagVis 1.6.5 and many more.


Author:Gerhard Laußer
Tags:Mod-Gearman, Nagios, omd, Shinken, Thruk
Categories:nagios, omd, shinken, thruk
OMD 0.50 is available

The developer team of OMD (Open Monitoring Distribution) released the version 0.50 today. This version contains bugfixes and lots of updated packages including Shinken, Thruk, PNP4Nagios, Mod-Gearman, check_oracle_health and check_mysql_health.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:check_mysql_health, check_oracle_health, Nagios, omd, repository, Thruk
Categories:nagios, omd
Thruk Release 1.0.9

Thruk 1.0.9 has just been released and contains a couple of cool new features. This version will also be in the next OMD release. Besides the release itself, new documentation about plugins and themes has been published.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Nagios, omd, Thruk
Categories:nagios, omd, thruk
Thruk Release 0.94

Straight on the road to the Thruk 1.0 this will probably the last feature release so far.
The main focus was on usability and accessibility. This version will also be in the next OMD release.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Nagios, Thruk
Categories:nagios, omd, thruk

OMD, the new star on the open monitoring scene, has been released in version 0.44 two weeks ago with a lot of enhancements and new addons.


Thruk 0.70

Thruk 0.70 has been released at (download). The three major changes from user perspective are

  • side menu is completly adjustable by config file
  • excel export for hosts and services
  • search includes comments and downtimes


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Nagios, Thruk