
The [Prometheus] monitoring tool follows a white-box monitoring approach: Applications actively provide metrics about their internal state, and the Prometheus server pulls these metrics from the applications using HTTP.

If you can modify the application’s source code, it is straightforward to instrument an application with Prometheus metrics: Add the Prometheus client library as a dependency, call that library to maintain the metrics, and use the library to expose the metrics via HTTP.

However, DevOps teams do not always have the option to modify the source code of the applications they are running.

At this year’s [JavaZone] conference, Fabian Stäber did a [talk] on how to instrument Java Web Applications with Prometheus metrics without modifying the application’s source code.


Author:Fabian Stäber
Tags:PrometheusIO, conference, javazone, talk

The [Prometheus] monitoring tool follows a white-box monitoring approach: Applications actively provide metrics about their internal state to the Prometheus server. In order to instrument an application with Prometheus metrics, you have to add a metrics library and call that library in the application’s source code. However, DevOps teams do not always have the option to modify the source code of the applications they are running.

At this year’s [Devoxx] conference, Fabian Stäber did a [talk] on how to instrument Java Web Applications with Prometheus metrics without modifying the application’s source code.


Author:Fabian Stäber
Tags:PrometheusIO, conference, devoxx, talk

At this year’s [FOSDEM] conference I did a 20 minutes presentation on how to implement tail -f in [Go]. The video is available below.

Abstract: As part of a log file monitoring tool, I implemented a file tailer that keeps reading new lines from log files. This turned out to be much more challenging than I thought, especially because it should run on multiple operating systems and it should be robust against logrotate. In this 20 Minutes talk I will present the lessons learned, the pitfalls and dead-ends I ran into.


Author:Fabian Stäber
Tags:golang, grok_exporter, conference, FOSDEM, talk

[Prometheus] is an open source monitoring tool, which is conceptually based on Google’s internal Borgmon monitoring system. Unlike traditional tools like Nagios, Prometheus implements a white-box monitoring approach: Applications actively provide metrics, these metrics are stored in a time-series database, the time-series data is used as a source for generating alerts. Prometheus comes with a powerful query language allowing for statistical evaluation of metrics.


Author:Fabian Stäber
Tags:PrometheusIO, grok_exporter, conference, devoxx, talk

Mit seinem Vortrag “Containerized End-2-End-Testing” war Tobi am 31.08. als Redner beim [Herbstcampus] 2016 in Nürnberg.


Author:Jens Klingen
Tags:conference, herbstcampus, talk, sakuli, end2end, testing

Fabian and Christoph have been invited to speak at [Devoxx Conference] 2016 in Antwerp, Belgium. Watch their talks to learn more about HTTP2 and Citrus Framework.


Author:Jens Klingen
Tags:conference, devoxx, talk, citrus, http2

Eine Konferenz in einem Vergnügungspark? Klang zunächst so ungewöhnlich, wie spannend. Zugegebenermaßen konnten wir uns im Vorfeld auch nicht genau vorstellen, wie so etwas aussehen wird. Und bereits beim Check-In im Hotel wurde klar: Das wird kein rein monotoner Talk-Marathon. Die beiden Hotels, welche von ConSol bezogen wurden, hatten jeweils ein Motto (asiatisch und afrikanisch) und wussten dieses auch für die Gäste, teils sehr detailverliebt, darzustellen. Nachfolgend wollen wir ein paar unserer persönlichen Eindrück schildern:


Author:Tobias Schneck
Tags:conference, java, javaland

Wem meine Folien zum Thema Netzwerkmonitoring mit check_nwc_health zu trocken sind kann sich meinen Vortrag auch als Video anschauen. Film ab!

Author:Gerhard Laußer
Tags:cisco, Icinga, juniper, naemon, Nagios, plugin, Shinken, snmp, conference, talk

Vorgestern habe ich auf der diesjährigen Open-Source-Monitoring-Konferenz in Nürnberg einen Vortrag über check_nwc_health gehalten.
Hier sind die Folien für diejenigen, die das Pech hatten, nicht dabei zu sein (damit meine ich die Konferenz an sich, nicht meinen Vortrag)

Author:Gerhard Laußer
Tags:cisco, Icinga, juniper, naemon, Nagios, plugin, Shinken, snmp, conference, talk

The GoTo Conference Berlin is part of a conference series with stops in Berlin, Chicago, Amsterdam, Aarhus and Copenhagen. The 3 day conference was divided in workshops on the first day and talks on the second and third day.

The talks and the catering were very well organized. The only drawback was, that the WLAN wasn’t working most of the time.

Now lets go through the talks:


Author:Johannes Pieringer
Categories:goto conference, java, development

Devoxx is over, sadly, and under normal circumstances this would be the time when we Devoxxians return to our everyday’s lives for another year.

However, this time it is different: At Google’s booth at the exhibition area we got their latest Cardboard gadget. Cardboard is a virtual reality viewer for Android phones and it is absolutely the greatest thing I have ever seen on a phone. The Cardboard app comes with a lot of fancy demos like a virtual reality tour through Versailles, flying around in Google earth and even a short animated 360° movie.

For me Devoxx did not stop when I left the venue this afternoon. Devoxx continued at home when I opened that Cardboard give-away. Infinite possibilities, the motto of this year’s Devoxx, couldn’t fit better. I definitely need to check it out and learn more about it.

Thank you very much for that, Google! (fabian)

See you next year, at the Devoxx. But before that lets have a look at the last day and a very inspiring talk on Android Wear:


Author:Christoph Deppisch
Tags:devoxx, conference
Categories:devoxx, development
Devoxx 2014, Day 4

First of all a small notice on the Ignite sessions at Devoxx. The 5 minute talks with 20 slides were very entertaining and I am glad that Roland kind of talked us into this. The sessions take place during lunch break but it is definitely worth taking the time and listening to the talks.

Now let’s go through the talks of day 4 in Antwerp.


Author:Christoph Deppisch
Tags:devoxx, conference
Categories:devoxx, development

“Devoxx Ignite sessions” (fabian)

Devoxx ignite sessions are a great thing: Each speaker has 20 slides in 5 minutes, the slides are auto-forwarding, so each slide is up 15 seconds. During the hour long ignite session you would hear 8 talks. Today, we learned how to make money, ride a mountain bike, do performance tuning, save the planet, be a diabolical developer, share a house, do open source, decode the airspace, and why Stephen Chin’s job sucks.

The format reminds a bit of TED’s talks, talks are quick, innovative, and engaging. Sometimes I even felt that the take away of a five minute talk is not necessarily less than the take away of the three hour university sessions.

Author:Christoph Deppisch
Tags:devoxx, conference
Categories:devoxx, development
Devoxx 2014, Day 3

So the group of ConSol Devoxxians is now complete as the rest of the posse has finally arrived for the upcoming conference days in Antwerp. And we are all excited to hear the latest news in the opening keynote from Stephan Janssen, who is best named as the father of the Devoxx conference and the Parleys platform.


Stephan has some great announcements in his keynote. One of them is to welcome Devoxx Poland as new family member in Krakow next year, which is indeed great news for our ConSol colleagues in Poland.


Author:Christoph Deppisch
Tags:devoxx, conference
Categories:devoxx, development
Devoxx 2014, Day 2

2nd day in Antwerp where Torsten, Julian, Roland and Fabian are able to listen to awesome university and tools in action talks. Tomorrow on Wednesday the rest of the ConSol posse (Ana, Georgi, Christian and Christoph) arrives in Antwerp to see the 3-day conference part of Devoxx. And still another highlight to come on Devoxx day 2: Roland speaks about “Spicing up JMX with Jolokia” in his tools in action talk scheduled 18:05-18:35 in room 8.

So here is the wrap up of Devoxx Day 2:


Author:Christoph Deppisch
Tags:devoxx, conference
Categories:devoxx, development
Devoxx 2014, Day 1

It’s Devoxx time! Mid of November in lovely Antwerp, Belgium. Five days packed with technical talks, hacks and technologies. And of course as usual a group of Consolis will bring the Devoxx atmosphere to you. We blog our experiences and impressions from Antwerp.

So be prepared to receive some on site summaries of what we have seen and what inspired us here.


Author:Christoph Deppisch
Tags:devoxx, conference
Categories:devoxx, development
ConSol @JavaLand

Jatumba ConSolis! Zwei aufregende Tage gehen zu Ende und was können wir euch berichten? Das JavaLand hat einen super Start in der Welt der Konferenzen hingelegt! Sowohl die Speaker als auch die Atmosphäre ließen keine Zweifel offen, hier entsteht etwas Großes. Neben sieben parallelen Tracks, einem Hacker-Garten und zahlreichen Community-Aktivitäten gab es einen kompletten Freizeitpark zu entdecken.


Author:Fabian Stäber
Tags:conference, Java, JavaLand
Categories:java, javaland, development
Devoxx 2013, Wrap up

It’s time to wrap up our Devoxx 2013 visit (after 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 days geek heaven)


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:conference, devoxx
Categories:devoxx, development
Devoxx 2013, Day 4

So that Devoxx is now nearly over, here are some reviews of talks of the last full conference day. Day 5 is typically a phase-out day with only a handful talks and everybody is an hurry, our Devoxx 2013 wrap out will be published on Monday.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:conference, devoxx
Categories:devoxx, development
Devoxx 2013, Day 3

On Wednesday Torsten, Christoph and Jan joined our team, and the conference kicked off with full blast: Full Keynote, full rooms, full toilettes, empty coffee and much fun.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:conference, devoxx
Categories:devoxx, development
Devoxx 2013, Day 2

Yesterday was the last university day with in depth, 3 hour talks. Here we go.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:conference, devoxx
Categories:devoxx, development
Devoxx 2013, Day 1

We are back again. The ConSol posse enters Devoxx again and will posts some expressions from this largest independent Java conference. Roughly 3500 attendees transform Antwerp into Java’s epicenter for one week.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:conference, devoxx
Categories:devoxx, development
Devoxx 2012 - Day 5

Last day of Devoxx conference in Antwerp Belgium is scheduled. We have had many awesome talks in the past 4 days and the conference closes with more talks to fit in this category. So before we ship home to our beloved ones let’s have a look at these last-minute impressions.


Author:Christoph Deppisch
Tags:devoxx, conference
Categories:devoxx, development
Devoxx 2012 - Day 4

Let’s go directly into todays talks and sessions.


Author:Christoph Deppisch
Tags:devoxx, conference
Categories:devoxx, development
Devoxx 2012 - Day 3

Conference part of the Devoxx 2012 starts today. This means three keynotes in the morning and 60 minute talks for the rest of the day. Finally all 3400 developers have arrived in Belgium to share the 3 day Devoxx conference. Also the rest of the ConSol gang has arrived in Antwerp so we are now 6 people.


Author:Christoph Deppisch
Tags:devoxx, conference
Categories:devoxx, development
Devoxx 2012 - Day 2

The second day of Devoxx is history, here are our impressions.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:devoxx, conference
Categories:devoxx, development
Devoxx 2012 - Day 1

It’s time again: The ConSol gang is coming back to Antwerp. And again,
we are presenting you our Devoxx impressions fresh from the movie
theaters. As last year, two of use (Georgi and Roland) went ahead
wereas the rest of us (Olaf, Kathrin, Christoph and Torsten) will join
us on Wednesday.

Monday and Tuesday are traditionally the days for the University talks
with in-depth coverage of certain topics.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:devoxx, conference
Categories:devoxx, development

I just returned from the GOTO Aarhus 2012 conference. Here’s some of my highlights:


Author:Joachim Wiedmann
Tags:conference, gotoaar, gotocon

This year was the first time I went to a GOTO conference,
i.e. [GOTO Aarhus 2012][1]. Traveling to Denmark took me remarkably
long (12 hours), but this is probably due to my inability in
effectively route planning (though it would be cool, if somebody could
point me how to go faster from Nuremberg, Germany to Aarhus,
Denmark. Just in case ;-). This blog sums up my impressions of this
developer event.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:conference, gotoaar, gotocon
Devoxx 2011 - Wrap up

Now that Devoxx has finished and we had a weekend in between, it is time to wrap things up. In this last #Devoxx blog for this year, everyone from the ConSol posse draws his very own personal conclusion.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:conference, devoxx
Categories:devoxx, development

Here are two talks reviews from Jan which didn’t made it into our last blog. (But this was not the only hangover this week ;-). Tomorrow we will wrap up things with some personal statements about the whole show. Sorry, for day 5 we didn’t managed to write a single review. Devoxx visitors might guess the reason ;-)


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:conference, devoxx
Categories:devoxx, development
Devoxx 2011 - Day 4

The last full day was again packed with high-end tech stuff before we enter the 10th anniversary party of Devoxx. So I guess, the fifth day gets a bit less blog coverage than the previous blogs. The ConSol posse has some reviews about Akka, JavaFX, HTML-5 and Android again, Play, JMS 2.0 and Clojure for you.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:conference, devoxx
Categories:devoxx, development
Devoxx 2011 - Day 3

Day 3 and Devoxx is running at full blast now. Rooms are crowded, WiFi breaks down periodically, lanes in front of the toilets and lunch lanes, but nothing will stop the FUN we are having here ;-). There we go with our reviews about the diabolical developer, Play 2.0, Kotlin, JAX-RS 2.0, NoSQL, Phone Gap, HTML5 and the JDK 7 Filesystem API. Please fasten your seat belt for some geeky stuff.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:conference, devoxx
Categories:devoxx, development
Devoxx 2011 - Day 2

On the second the rest of the ConSol posse joined us : Christoph, Christian and Torsten arrived for the fireside chat. A session format which lacked a bit the tension, but there were some rare highlights like the following joke: Q: “What’s the difference between Ant and Maven ?”, A: “The author of Ant apologized”. The other stuff covered were the ServiceMix combo, Groovy, Spring in the cloud, Infinispan, JDK 7 and Jenkins for Continous Delivery.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:conference, devoxx
Categories:devoxx, development

Here are the links I mentioned in my Devoxx Tools-in-Action Talk “Jolokia - JMX on Capsaicin”. Most of the pointers can of course be reached by starting at


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:conference, talk, devoxx
Categories:devoxx, jolokia, development
Devoxx 2011 - Day 1

We are back again. The first day as always is some sort of warming up and getting into the flow. This year was special in so far as one os us (roland) gave his first talk at Devoxx. But let’s start with the first talk. Here are our personal reviews for some of the talks we’ve attended with the author of each review is mentioned after the title in parentheses. These reviews covers JEE6 Enterprise applications, Arquillian, Continous Delivery, Spring Data JPA, Jolokia (of course ;-), Scala and Glassfish rolling updates.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:conference, devoxx
Categories:devoxx, development
Devoxx - here we come !

The ConSol posse is on the road again for having a good and inspiring time at Devoxx. Devoxx is probably one of the best things what can happen to a Java developer. Marcel, Alvin, Jan and myself (Roland) will be at the show for the whole week, Christoph, Torsten and Christian will join us on wednesday.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:conference, devoxx
Categories:devoxx, java, development
Devoxx - Wrap-up

Devoxx is over and it’s time for a
summary. We, the Citrus posse ;-), enjoyed the trip to Antwerp very
much and came back with a bunch of new impressions. It was a pleasure
to be part of this Java community event with great speakers and
excellent talks.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:conference, devoxx
Categories:citrus, devoxx, java, development
Devoxx - Day 4

The last full conference day of the Devoxx was again packed full with very interesting talks of various kind. It started with a keynote about the roadmap of JEE 7. Summarizing we can expect some smooth refinements of the platform (exept maybe the support for virtualization out of the box). Here are our impression on the talks of Thursday. Please expect our summary blog post on monday since we are all now in rush to get out things done and to catch train, plain etc. We hope, you enjoyed the blog flood so far ;-)


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:cloud, devoxx, Java, scala, conference
Categories:devoxx, java, development
Devoxx - Day 3

The rest of Citrus posse (Christoph, Martin, Ralf, Torsten) joined us
(Marcel, Roland) yesterday, so we are able to spread over much more
talks and will flood this blog with even more reports from interesting
Java talks.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:conference, devoxx
Categories:devoxx, java, development
Devoxx - Day 2

The second day at Devoxx continues with a university day, with much introductory talks.
BTW, catering was fine today, better than two years ago. I think the is worth mentioning, since this was one of the weak points last time we visited the Devoxx. Ah yes, Wifi is ok, too. Now for the talks ;-)


Tags:conference, devoxx
Categories:devoxx, java, development
Devoxx - Day 1

Some of us ConSol Labs guys enter this year’s Devoxx, the largest
Java conference in Europe. You can expect some blogging about the
state of Java, the newest trends and cool stuff in general out there
for this week.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:conference, devoxx
Categories:devoxx, java, development