OMD 0.50 is available

The developer team of OMD (Open Monitoring Distribution) released the version 0.50 today. This version contains bugfixes and lots of updated packages including Shinken, Thruk, PNP4Nagios, Mod-Gearman, check_oracle_health and check_mysql_health.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:check_mysql_health, check_oracle_health, Nagios, omd, repository, Thruk
Categories:nagios, omd

Jolokia and Jmx4Perl will go on tour this autumn. Roland Huss will talk about both projects in November at Devoxx, Antwerp, which is the biggest independent Java community conference in the world and at the Open Source Monitoring Conference, Nuremberg.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:jmx, Jmx4Perl, Jolokia, Nagios
Jolokia 0.95 is here

The summer break is over and Jolokia is one step closer to
1.0. Germans might reasonably argue, ‘ehm, what summer do you talk
about ?’ but at least 0.95 is now a fact and introduces two new
features. Very cool features, IMO.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:jmx, Jolokia
Thruk Release 1.0.9

Thruk 1.0.9 has just been released and contains a couple of cool new features. This version will also be in the next OMD release. Besides the release itself, new documentation about plugins and themes has been published.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Nagios, omd, Thruk
Categories:nagios, omd, thruk

Üblicherweise ruft man check_oracle_health mit den Kommandozeilenparametern

check_oracle_health --username <user> --password <pass> --connect <sid>

auf. Voraussetzung dafür ist natürlich, dass die SID in einem Verzeichnisdienst oder in einer Datei tnsnames.ora vorhanden sein muss.


Author:Gerhard Laußer
OMD Repository

There is a now an ‘unofficial’ OMD Repository OMD Repository.
This makes new installations and upgrading your OMD sites even more easier.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Nagios, omd
Categories:nagios, omd

Mod-Gearman 1.0.8 has been released (download).
This release mostly contains bugfixes only and a minor change to use the identifier more often.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Mod-Gearman, Nagios
Categories:mod-gearman, nagios

Lately I had to deal with Excel files as REST Http service response. I came up with a pretty clever validation mechanism in Citrus that I would like to share with you. You can apply the Excel validator to your Citrus project, too. It is not very complicated as you will see in this post.


Author:Christoph Deppisch
Categories:citrus, development

TestNG provides brilliant support for test parameters and data providers. With some annotation magic you are able to pass parameter values to your test method and finally to your Citrus test logic.


Author:Christoph Deppisch
Tags:Citrus, testng
Categories:citrus, development

Seit heute gibt es die Version 1.6.9 von check_oracle_health. Hauptzweck ist die Beseitigung eines Problems, das auftaucht, wenn man das Plugin unter OMD einsetzt. Daneben ist aber auch die Liste der Modi erweitert worden, um noch mehr Fehlersituationen in großen Oracle-Installationen rechtzeitig erkennen zu können.


Author:Gerhard Laußer
Tags:check_oracle_health, datafiles, Nagios, ora-00059, oracle, rman
Categories:nagios, shinken