check_oracle_health, check_mysql_health, check_mssql_health und check_db2_health bringen von Haus aus schon eine Menge Funktionalität mit. Allerdings wurden sie speziell für die Belange von Datenbankadministratoren entwickelt. Um auch den Betreibern von datenbankgestützten Applikationen die Möglichkeit zu geben, bestimmte Werte per SQL abzufragen, gibt es den Parameter "--mode sql". Damit lässt sich das numerische Ergebnis eines SQL-Aufrufs mit Schwellwerten vergleichen und in einen Nagios-Exitcode verwandeln. Üblicherweise sind die Anforderungen der Applikation an das Monitoring jedoch etwas komplexer. Am Beispiel von check_mysql_health und Wordpress wird gezeigt, wie man so etwas einfach umsetzen kann.


Version 1.2.2 of Mod-Gearman has just been released. It now comes with better orphaned check detection and easier installation for rpm based linux systems.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Mod-Gearman, Nagios
Categories:mod-gearman, nagios

In my last post i was explaining why it became necessary to have an alternative to the sqlite-based storing of log data. One of the many new features of the upcoming release 1.0 “Heroic Hedgehog” of the Shinken monitoring software will be a MongoDB backend used by the livestatus module.

In this post i will show how to configure the livestatus module with a MongoDB cluster.


Author:Gerhard Laußer
Tags:livestatus, mongodb, monitoring, Nagios, Shinken
Categories:nagios, shinken
Pimp my Livestatus

In the early days of the Shinken monitoring system you were quite limited in how many web user interfaces you could use. There was the old CGI-based Nagios-Webinterface or (thanks to the merlin-mysql broker module) the Ninja GUI from OP5.
At the same time, two Projects, Thruk and Multisite, became very popular. The success of these two web guis was mainly based on the way they communicated with the Nagios core.


Author:Gerhard Laußer
Tags:livestatus, mongodb, Nagios, Shinken
Categories:nagios, shinken

The upcoming version 1.1.2 of Mod-Gearman will have embedded Perl support which greatly improves performance when you have lots of Perl checks.


Author:Sven Nierlein
Tags:Mod-Gearman, Nagios
Categories:mod-gearman, nagios
Happy new year !

As 2011 is now nearly history, it’s time for a short look behind what happened to and its projects this year.


Author:Roland Huß
Devoxx 2011 - Wrap up

Now that Devoxx has finished and we had a weekend in between, it is time to wrap things up. In this last #Devoxx blog for this year, everyone from the ConSol posse draws his very own personal conclusion.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:conference, devoxx
Categories:devoxx, development

Here are two talks reviews from Jan which didn’t made it into our last blog. (But this was not the only hangover this week ;-). Tomorrow we will wrap up things with some personal statements about the whole show. Sorry, for day 5 we didn’t managed to write a single review. Devoxx visitors might guess the reason ;-)


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:conference, devoxx
Categories:devoxx, development
Devoxx 2011 - Day 4

The last full day was again packed with high-end tech stuff before we enter the 10th anniversary party of Devoxx. So I guess, the fifth day gets a bit less blog coverage than the previous blogs. The ConSol posse has some reviews about Akka, JavaFX, HTML-5 and Android again, Play, JMS 2.0 and Clojure for you.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:conference, devoxx
Categories:devoxx, development
Devoxx 2011 - Day 3

Day 3 and Devoxx is running at full blast now. Rooms are crowded, WiFi breaks down periodically, lanes in front of the toilets and lunch lanes, but nothing will stop the FUN we are having here ;-). There we go with our reviews about the diabolical developer, Play 2.0, Kotlin, JAX-RS 2.0, NoSQL, Phone Gap, HTML5 and the JDK 7 Filesystem API. Please fasten your seat belt for some geeky stuff.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:conference, devoxx
Categories:devoxx, development