Automatic integration tests as part of the development life cycle can save a lot of time and money. Not only when dealing with other service APIs or offering some, also if the application uses a database or other infrastructure services.

We at Consol made a lot of good experience to develop the integration tests as part of the life cycle from the beginning of a project. Therefor the Citrus framework is often a good choice to do it automated.

But there are other frameworks and libraries which can be useful. In this article, we’ll have a look at Testcontainers. By using a sample microservice, we will show how Testcontainers can be used and what chances it provides.


This blog post shows how to set up the new Docker plugin for Intellij IDEA 14.1 on Ubuntu Linux 14.10.
**1. Install Docker
If you haven’t installed Docker already, use the following command to install it:

<br />
wget -qO- | sudo sh<br />


Author:Fabian Stäber
Categories:docker, development