Die Plugins check_oracle_health und check_mssql_health haben mit den Versionen 1.6.6 bzw. 1.5.6 ein neues Feature bekommen. Critical- und Warning-Schwellwerte können jetzt auch direkt in der Datenbank hinterlegt werden. Bei Änderungswünschen muss der DBA nun nicht mehr den Nagios-Administrator belästigen, damit dieser die entsprechenden Servicedefinitionen anpasst.


Author:Gerhard Laußer
Tags:check_mssql_health, check_oracle_health

If you have defined services using the nrpe mechanism, you might know the following scenario:
The NRPE daemon fails and all services using it go critical. One first step to avoid these false alarms is to create an additional service which monitors the NRPE daemon itself (called check_nrpe_daemon in this example) and install a dependency between your services and check_nrpe_daemon.


Author:Gerhard Laußer
Tags:Nagios, nrpe
Jmx4Perl 0.70

I’m happy to announce the new jmx4perl release 0.70 with a lot of new features. The most exciting new stuff are configuration files and multi-checks for check_jmx4perl, a new Java client library and the start of a readline based JMX shell j4psh with syntax highlighting and command line completion.


Author:Roland Huß

By setting the SOAP mustUnderstand header attribute to “1”, you indicate that the service provider must process the SOAP header entry. In case the service provider is not able to handle this special header a SOAP fault server error is sent back to the calling client. In this post I would like to point out an easy way to support these mustUnderstand headers when simulating SOAP WebServices with Citrus.


Author:Christoph Deppisch
Tags:Citrus, SOAP WebServices, Spring
Categories:citrus, development

Seit der Version 3.2 von check_logfiles ist es einfach geworden, Eventlogs von Windows-Servern auszulesen, ohne auf diesen das Plugin installieren zu müssen. Es wird jetzt nur noch ein "Gatewayserver" sowie ein Domainbenutzer nagios benötigt.


Author:Gerhard Laußer

With LWP you can easily upload a file from within a perl script. To add some sugar this small example shows how to show a progressbar during the upload. This is especially useful for giving feedback while uploading large files. This technique is based on LWP’s DYNAMIC_FILE_UPLOAD hook for sending files chunk by chunk. BTW, this feature is a good thing anyway in order to avoid sucking large files completely into memory before doing an upload.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:LWP, Perl

Es gibt mal wieder ein Update für check_hpasm, diesmal mit dem Schwerpunkt auf HP Bladesystems. Neu hinzugekommen ist die Überwachung von Sicherungen (Fuses) und Enclosure Managern. Ausserdem werden jetzt bei fehlerhaften Komponenten auch gleich die Spare-Part-Nummern angezeigt.


Author:Gerhard Laußer
Tags:BladeCenter, check_hpasm, Nagios, Plugins, snmp
Jmx4Perl 0.65

Jmx4Perl reaches is next evolution step, with a bunch of new features. The most important news are a new JDK 6 based JVM agent which allows monitoring of arbitrary Java applications (not only servlet containers) and the support for bulk read requests.


Author:Roland Huß

If you have ever sent or received mail messages via Java, chances are high that you have used JavaMail for this task. Most of the time JavaMail does an excellent job and a lot of use cases are described in the JavaMail FAQ. But there are still some additional quirks you should be aware of when doing advanced mail operations like adding or removing attachments (or “Parts”) from existing mails retreived from some IMAP or POP3 store. This post gives a showcase for how to remove an attachment from a mail at an arbitrary level which has been obtained from an IMAP store. It points to the pitfalls which are waiting and shows some possible solutions. The principles laid out here are important for adding new attachments to a mail as well, but that’s yet another story.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:J2EE, Java, javamail
Categories:java mail, development

This is the first announcement about my new toy osgish [os-gish], a shell for
OSGi containers.


Author:Roland Huß
Tags:jmx, Jmx4Perl, OSGi