The downtime API is available since version 2.40. To enable this feature, execute the following step:
omd config set DOWNTIMEAPI on
Let’s say we have an OMD site bigdata running on server eudc-mon-p001. One of the monitored hosts has a configuration like this:
define host {
host_name ceph-008-mun
Now we want to put it in downtime for an hour. This is as simple as:
curl -k -L "https://eudc-mon-p001/bigdata/api/downtime?host=ceph-008-mun&comment=maintenance&duration=60"
Of course this only works if this curl-command was executed on the host ceph-008-mun. The downtime API compares the originating IP address of the HTTP-request with the address-field of the host to be put in downtime. (Some people put a dns-resolvable hostname as address in the host definition. In this case the downtime-script tries to resolve the hostname and compares the originating IP address with the address(es) returned by the DNS server)
If you want to set downtimes without logging into the host in question, you can use a (secret) token.
define host {
host_name ceph-008-mun
_DTAUTHTOKEN supersecret234abc
By adding the dtauthtoken parameter to the URL, you can now execute the curl command wherever you want, for example on your central admin machine.
curl -k -L "https://eudc-mon-p001/bigdata/api/downtime?host=ceph-008-mun&comment=maintenance&duration=60&dtauthtoken=supersecret234abc"
The known parameters are:
If you want to know what happens behind the scenes, you can make downtime script write some trace logs into the json output simply by creating a file with
touch $OMD_ROOT/tmp/run/downtimeapi.trace
As long as this file exists, you will get the additional information.