
check_nwc_health ist ein Plugin für Nagios, Shinken und Icinga, welches der Überwachung von Netzwerkkomponenten dient. Es ist in der Lage, Interfacestatistiken, Hardware (CPU, Speicher, Lüfter, Stromversorgungsmodule etc.), Firewall-Policies, HSRP, Loadbalancer-Pools, Prozessor- und Speichernutzung abzufragen.

Die Kommunikation mit den Endgeräten wird über SNMP abgewickelt, wobei die Versionen 1, 2c und 3 unterstützt werden.

Bisher können damit folgende Netzwerkkomponenten, Firewalls, SAN-Switches und Loadbalancer überwacht werden:

  • Cisco IOS
  • Cisco Nexus
  • Cisco ASA
  • Cisco PIX
  • F5 BIG-IP
  • CheckPoint Firewall1
  • Juniper NetScreen
  • HP Procurve
  • Nortel
  • Brocade 4100/4900
  • EMC DS 4700
  • EMC DS 24
  • Allied Telesyn. Blue Coat SG600
  • Cisco Wireless Lan Controller 5500
  • Brocade ICX6610-24-HPOE
  • Cisco UC Telefonzeugs
  • FRITZ!BOX 7390
  • FRITZ!DECT 200
  • Juniper IVE
  • Pulse-Gateway MAG4610
  • Cisco IronPort AsyncOS
  • Foundry
  • Bluecat
  • ….. einzelne Checks können gegen beliebige SNMP-fähige Geräte laufen



  • –hostname <hostname oder ip>
  • –community <snmpv2-community>


Schlüsselwort Bedeutung
uptime Misst, wie lange das Gerät schon läuft
hardware-health Prüft die Hardware des Geräts (Stromvers., Lüfter, Temperaturen, Platten, ..)
chassis-hardware-health Prüft die Hardware des Geräts (Stromvers., Lüfter, Temperaturen, Platten, … aus Sicht des Chassis)
cpu-load Prüft die CPU-Load
memory-usage Prüft den Hauptspeicherverbrauch
interface-usage Prüft die Nutzung der Interface-Bandbreite
interface-errors Prüft die Rate der Interface-Errors
interface-discards Prüft die Rate der Interface-Discards
interface-status Prüft den Status (up/down) von Interfaces
interface-health Prüft Bandbreite+Errors+Discards+Status
interface-nat-count-sessions Zählt die Anzahl der Nat-Sessions
interface-nat-rejects Prüft die Rate der Nat-Rejects
list-interfaces Listet alle Interfaces auf
list-interfaces-detail Listet alle Interfaces mit extra Details auf
interface-availability Prüft, wieviele Steckplätze noch zur Verfügung stehen
interface-stack-status Prüft den Status von Interface-Sublayern. (Portchannel)
link-aggregation-availability Misst, wieviel Prozent der Interfaces einer Link Aggregation up sind
list-routes Listet alle Routen auf
route-exists Prüft, ob eine best. Route vorhanden ist
count-routes Zählt die Routen (zu einem best. Ziel oder via eines best. Hops)
vpn-status Prüft den Status eines VPNs (up/down)
vpn-sessions Prüft VPN sessions, users, groups, failures (ASA und IOS)
hsrp-state Prüft den Status eines Knotens in einer HSRP Group
hsrp-failover Prüft auf Statuswechsel (eines Knotens) in einer HSRP Group
list-hsrp-groups Zeigt alle HSRP Groups an
bgp-peer-status Prüft den Status eines BGP Peers
count-bgp-peers Zählt die Anzahl der BGP-Peers
watch-bgp-peers Prüft, ob Peers verschwinden (–lookback 99999 friert den Stand vo dem Verlust ein)
list-bgp-peers Zeigt alle BGP Peers
count-bgp-prefixes Zählt die akzeptierten BGP Prefixes (eingrenzen mit –name)
ospf-neighbor-status Prüft den Status eins OSPF Neighbors
list-ospf-neighbors Zeigt alle OSPF Neighbors
ha-role Prüft die Rolle innerhalb einer HA Group
svn-status Prüft den Status des SVN Subsystems
mngmt-status Prüft den Status des MNGMT Subsystems
fw-policy Prüft die installierte Firewall Policy
fw-connections Zählt die Anzahl der Firewall Connections
session-usage Zählt die Sessions (eines Loadbalancers)
security-status Prüft, ob es Security-relevante Events gibt
pool-completeness Prüft die Vollständigkeit eines Loadbalancer-Pools
pool-connections Zählt die Anzahl der Verbindungen in einem Loadbalancer-Pool
pool-complections Die Kombination aus pool-completeness und pool-connections
list-pools Listet alle Loadbalancer Pools und deren Members
check-licenses Prüft die Gültigkeit von Lizenzen
count-users Zählt die Anzahl verbundener Benutzer
check-config Prüft, ob es ungespeicherte Konfigurationsänderungen gibt
check-connections Prüft die verbindungsqualität
count-connections Zählt die Anzahl der Verbindungen ( -client, -server ist möglich)
watch-fexes Überwacht das Auftauchen und Verschwinden von Fexen
accesspoint-status Prüft den Status eines Access Points
count-accesspoints Zählt die Anzahl verbundener Access Points
watch-accesspoints Überwacht das Auftauchen und Verschwinden von Access Points
list-accesspoints Listet alle gemanagten Access Points
phone-cm-status Prüft, ob der Callmanager up ist
phone-status Zählt die Anzahl der registered/unregistered/rejected Telefone
list-smart-home-devices Listet Steckdosen vom Typ Fritz!DECT 200
smart-home-device-status Prüft, ob eine Fritz!DECT 200 Strom führt
smart-home-device-energy Prüft den Stromverbrauch einer Fritz!DECT 200
walk Zeigt die snmpwalk-Kommandos, die zum Debuggen benötigt werden
supportedmibs Gubt eine Liste der vom gerät implementierten MIBs aus

Allerdings ist nicht jeder Modus für jeden Gerätetyp verfügbar.

Detaillierte Anleitung gibt es keine, dazu fehlt mir die Zeit. Ausprobieren und Code lesen führt auch zum Ziel. (Das Argument “ich hab aber keine Zeit” lasse ich nicht gelten. “Ich kann kein Perl” auch nicht.).

Auf der Open-Source-Monitoring-Konferenz 2014 habe ich einen Vortrag über das Plugin gehalten. Hier sind die Folien dazu:.

Dies ist ein eingebettetes Microsoft Office-Dokument, unterstützt von Office Online.


$ check_nwc_health \
    --hostname fw-int-1-3.fw.local --comunity public \
    --units Mbit \
    --mode interface-health \
    --name 'TenGigabitEthernet2/1/32' \
    --warningx 'broadcast_.*'=95 --criticalx 'broadcast_.*'=95 \
    --warningx 'broadcast_usage_.*'=10"
OK - TenGigabitEthernet2/1/32 (alias !!! VSL UPLINK !!!) is up/up, interface TenGigabitEthernet2/1/32 (alias !!! VSL UPLINK !!!) usage is in:0.06% (6.08Mbit/s) out:0.00% (0.18Mbit/s), interface TenGigabitEthernet2/1/32 (alias !!! VSL UPLINK !!!) errors in:0.00% out:0.00%, interface TenGigabitEthernet2/1/32 (alias !!! VSL UPLINK !!!) discards in:0.00% out:0.00%, interface TenGigabitEthernet2/1/32 (alias !!! VSL UPLINK !!!) broadcast in:86.13% out:3.61% (% of traffic) in:0.05% out:0.00% (% of bandwidth) | 'TenGigabitEthernet2/1/32_usage_in'=0.06%;80;90;0;100 'TenGigabitEthernet2/1/32_usage_out'=0.00%;80;90;0;100 'TenGigabitEthernet2/1/32_traffic_in'=6.08;8000;9000;0;10000 'TenGigabitEthernet2/1/32_traffic_out'=0.18;8000;9000;0;10000 'TenGigabitEthernet2/1/32_errors_in'=0%;1;10;0;100 'TenGigabitEthernet2/1/32_errors_out'=0%;1;10;0;100 'TenGigabitEthernet2/1/32_discards_in'=0%;5;10;0;100 'TenGigabitEthernet2/1/32_discards_out'=0%;5;10;0;100 'TenGigabitEthernet2/1/32_broadcast_in'=86.13%;95;95;0;100 'TenGigabitEthernet2/1/32_broadcast_out'=3.61%;95;95;0;100 'TenGigabitEthernet2/1/32_broadcast_usage_in'=0.05%;10;95;0;100 'TenGigabitEthernet2/1/32_broadcast_usage_out'=0.00%;10;95;0;100
# *_usage_in = percentage of incoming traffic related to max. bandwidth
# *_broadcast_in = percentage of broadcast packets in incoming traffic
# *_broadcast_usage_in = percentage of broadcast traffic in max. bandwith
# --warningx/criticalx can set individual thresholds on all metrics.




Die folgenden Punkte werden nach jedem git-commit des labs-Inhalts erstellt, indem die Changelog-Datei von woanders geholt und hier eingebettet wird. D.h. das Changelog bzw. der Code auf Github kann aktueller sein als die obige tar.gz-Datei. Das liegt daran, daß ich keine Zeit oder keine Lust hatte, die Datei ins CMS zu kopieren und den Download-Link zu aktualisieren. Meistens hatte ich keins von beiden. Wenn also um 00:16 eine “ich sehe, es gibt was Neues, kannst du bitte den Download-Link aktualisieren”-Mail reinkommt, dann tut’s mir leid. Ein git pull; cd check_nwc_health; git submodule init; git submodule update; configure; make ist nicht zu viel verlangt, oder? Die Silbertablett-Variante ist, mit Verlaub, zahlenden Kunden vorbehalten.
* 2023-12-16 11.2.3
add perfdata for the mode interface-nat-rejects
* 2023-12-16
fix and git add the cisco and arista pm files which i had forgotten
* 2023-11-30 11.2.2
add mode interface-errdisabled (Cisco and Arista only)
* 2023-11-15
require, not use Net::Ping for F5 checks
* 2023-10-27
* 2023-10-27 11.2.1
add mode list-arp-cache
* 2023-10-06
PR #324, detect Ivanti devices (formerly identifying themselves as Pulse Secure). Thx c-kr
* 2023-09-29
show vlans only on demand, –report short+vlan
* 2023-09-15
more runtime reduction for huawei, cpu and mem
* 2023-09-15
suppress output of empty vlans
* 2023-09-15 11.2
cache huawei entities to avoid hitting the device’s snmp rate limit
cache vlan configs
* 2023-09-14 11.1
show vlans with interface-status
* 2023-07-27
C9800 fix
PR #318 from lgmu, typo in –lookup vs. –lookback
* 2023-07-27 11.0.1
support new C9800 wlan controller
* 2023-07-25 11.0
new structure suitble for epn
* 2023-07-25 10.13.1
reduce amount of data in cisco fru
* 2023-07-10
bugfix in traffic thresholds, do not use warning/critical def. thresholds
* 2023-07-10 10.13
implement traffic thresholds for interface-usage, correctly calc the less-than perfdata thresholds.
* 2023-06-12
reduce runtime for HOST-RESOURCES-MIB disk and device tables
* 2023-06-12
don’t walk cefcFRUPowerSupplyGroupTable, it’s unused anyway
* 2023-05-28
PR 310/311 for Fortigte HW
* 2023-05-12
bugfix in bluecat productname detection
update glplugin (another epn fix, ::pluginname, ::plugin)
* 2023-05-11
update glplugin (another epn fix)
* 2023-05-04
bugfix in Huawei Wlan Controller (just a perl warning, not serious)
these recent perl warnings appeared after i heavily used the
embedded perl feature of mod-gearman. it is much more strict than
running the plugin as a standalone process)
* 2023-05-02
bugfix in Pulse Secure (just a perl warning, not serious)
* 2023-04-21
bugfix in Huawei bgp modes (just a perl warning, not serious)
* 2023-04-20 10.12.1
add a cluster-check for cisco sdwan
* 2023-04-20 10.12
reduced runtime and amount of transferred data for bgp-related checks
* 2023-04-03
reduce runtime in Huwaei accesspoint modes
* 2023-03-29
bugfix in Huawei hardware-health. Discard temperatures of 2147483647 deg.
* 2023-03-28 10.11
improve Huawei hardware-health
* 2023-03-20 10.10
add filters to sdwan-check (name=dstip,name2=localcolor)
* 2023-03-10
bugfix in Cisco Envmon notfunctioning
* 2023-03-08
bugfix again, exists plus defined
* 2023-03-08
bugfix in CISCO-ENVMON-MIB temperature (catch “notPresent”)
* 2023-02-23 10.9.1
bugfix in Checkpoint Management-Status
* 2023-02-23 10.9
bugfix in Versa Peersubsystem
prepare some cisco sdwan stuff
* 2023-02-20
tweak huawei Entity-Table snmp parameters
* 2023-02-03
force interface-vlan-count-macs to cache vlans
* 2023-02-03
fix an undef in interface-vlan-count-macs
* 2023-02-03 10.8
add mode interface-vlan-count-macs
* 2023-01-19 10.7.1
tune snmp maxreps for bgp
* 2023-01-19 10.7
rewrite detection of Juniper
* 2023-01-11 10.6.1
pull request 304 improves ios hardware checks (thanks dhoffend)
* 2023-01-10 10.6
add support for Viptela
* 2022-12-16 10.5.1
bugfix in Cisco WLC, skip unused mobile stations
* 2022-10-09 10.5
add a temporary check for Cisco Viptela SDWAN (not for public use yet, sorry)
* 2022-10-08 10.4
add Huawei wlan controller (not finished yet)
* 2022-10-08
improve arista power supply/cord status checks
* 2022-09-27
fix an uninitialized value in Arista HW check
* 2022-09-20
fix issue #231, thanks log1-c
* 2022-07-29 10.3
add mode check-rtt (cisco-rttmon-mib slas)
* 2022-07-21 10.2.1
increase cpu thresholds for linux, separate user/system/etc from iowait
* 2022-07-20 10.2
update glplugin, better get_table fallback handling
* 2022-05-05
fix a pull-request. Und das war damit auch der letzte Pull-Request, den ich in meinem Leben angenommen habe.
* 2022-05-04
use JSON::XS in to avoid misleading UNKNOWN error message
* 2022-02-23
suppress unknown arista sensors which are not marked as faulty
* 2022-02-18 10.1
check filesystems in Arista (full Log/Core stops syslog and accounting)
accept disabled sensors
* 2022-01-13
bugfix in arista power supply
* 2022-01-07
bugfix in f5 ltm detail output
* 2021-11-22
tweak barracuda hardware-health snmp parameters
* 2021-11-16 10.0
use json for temporary files
* 2021-10-13 9.1
add Pulse Secure
* 2021-10-08
update git with latest cisco license gedoens
* 2021-09-21
remove broken line from
* 2021-09-08 9.0.1
improve cisco license checks
* 2021-09-01 9.0
add Versa Appliance, add HP Aruba
* 2021-08-24
tweak barracuda snmp params for interface/route checks
* 2021-07-27 8.5
improve Barracuda cluster-check
* 2021-06-30 8.4
add bgp for huawei
* 2021-06-16
bugfix in UCD-MIB memory
* 2021-05-31
bugfix in IOS cpu-load for very old models without CISCO-PROCESS-MIB
* 2021-05-31
bugfix in f5 memory-usage, correct negative values
* 2021-05-20 8.3.3
Add vpn sessions for Fortigate PR #279
* 2021-05-18
optimize etherlike and rmon walks
* 2021-05-12
save bgp peer local addresses and show them in the error case
* 2021-04-29
Blacklist storage device “junosprocfs” on JunOS (Juniper) devices PR #278
* 2021-04-15
bugfix in f5 cpu-load, correct negative values
* 2021-03-23 8.3.2
query LM-SENSORS-MIB only if it exists on Linux (it may hang even if not existing)
* 2021-03-19
bugfix in CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB. Scale values correctly.
* 2021-03-02
bugfix in interface-stack-status (triggered when –name did not match)
* 2021-02-12 8.3.1
add mode license-status for cisco
* 2021-02-08 8.3
split Bluecat in AddressManager and DnsDhcpServer
* 2021-01-28
do not use cpmCPUMemoryHCCommitted, except if you want mem usage > 100%
* 2021-01-27
check the memory of all members in a cisco stack only if there are > 1 members
* 2021-01-22 8.2
check the memory of all members in a cisco stack
* 2021-01-18
bugfix in Bluecat jvm
* 2021-01-18 8.1
add Bluecat Address Manager
* 2021-01-13
bugfix in HOST-RESOURCE-MIB memory (Arista triggered)
bugfix in CISCO-ENVMON-MIB, temperatures > 200
* 2021-01-13
bugfix in arista bgp, mitigate admin down
* 2020-10-22 8.0
broadcast traffic is now shown as percentage of the overall traffic (…broadcast_in) and percentage of the available bandwitdth (…broadcast_usage_in).
errors and discards are now calculated as percentage of all received/sent packets.
TenGig-VRF-MPLS-Dingsbums without errors and discard metrics are no longer treated as StackSubs.
* 2020-10-12 7.13
add Vormetric Appliance
* 2020-09-18 7.12.2
add some exceptions to hrDeviceDiskStorage and hrDeviceNetwork
* 2020-09-08
fix a bug in mode count-routes, update glplugin
* 2020-07-13
improve output for connect-vips
* 2020-07-13
bugfix in UCD-MIB swap
* 2020-07-10 7.12.1
try to fallback to ucd if neither sysUptime nor sysDescr exist
* 2020-06-04 7.12
add mode watch-vips and connect-vips for F5
* 2020-06-02 7.11.1
check the number of nodes in a Fortigate cluster
* 2020-05-21 7.11
add bgp4 modes for arista, use 2nd context for cisco bgp4
* 2020-05-19
fix a typo
* 2020-05-05 7.10.4
check increase of sessions for Cisco
(detect freeze with –mode vpn-sessions –criticalx sessions_per_sec=0.001:)
add AVM 7580
* 2020-03-20 7.10.3
add mode vpn-sessions (IOS and ASA)
* 2020-03-16
blacklist nfs-mounts in hrDeviceDiskStorage
* 2020-03-10 7.10.2
fix HP Aruba checks, add nore from ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB
* 2020-02-20
fix a bug in interface-etherstats for OLD-CISCO-INTERFACES-MIB
* 2020-01-21
fix a bug in Cisco memory, for Cisco emulation mode of Bel VPN Gate
* 2020-01-18
issue #229 fix redundant argument in sprintf
issue #228 fix operstatus in linuxlocal
* 2020-01-16
fix a bug in verbose mode if –nosensors is used
* 2019-12-06
update GLPlugin, reduce default maxrepetitions to 20
* 2019-12-05
reduce maxrepetitions for f5 sysCpuTable and ifTables
* 2019-12-04
add –nosensors which skips endless entSensor[Threshold]Table for Nexuses
* 2019-11-25
fix a division by 0 for cisco reserved memory
* 2019-10-07
fix a bug in cisco wlan accesspoint-modes (InetAddrType)
* 2019-10-04 7.10.1
add session-usage for palo alto
* 2019-08-30
update glplugin, more nexus hardware-health improvements
* 2019-08-29
reduce runtime for nexus hardware-health
* 2019-08-20
fix EIGRP filtering
* 2019-07-29
fix a bug in fortigate ha-role
* 2019-07-22
fix a bug in interface-uptime
* 2019-07-19
fix a bug in interface-uptime
* 2019-07-07
fix a bug in mode ha-role for Fortigate
* 2019-06-25
fix a bug in bgp/route modes for the non-standalone version (InetAddressMaker)
* 2019-06-21 7.10
remove duplicate routes (ip-table + inet-table)
–report long+address shows ip addresses for interfaces
* 2019-06-14
finish barracuda ha-role mode
* 2019-06-14
detect f5 firmware versions 14+
* 2019-06-12
fix routes. inetCidrRouteTable does not really replace ipCidrRouteTable
* 2019-06-12
fallback to BGP4-MIB if CISCO-BGP4-MIB is incomplete
* 2019-06-11 7.9
fix ASA user/connection/session-count
* 2019-06-05 7.8
GLPLugin with better ip4/ip6 handling
fix huawei subclasses
interfaces –name filter expression can contain _adminup
as a secondary
route modes can handle v6
use OSPFV3-MIB, support v6
add CISCO-BGP4-MIB, support v6
* 2019-04-12 7.7
add Barracuda
* 2019-04-12 7.6.1
add mode count-connections for F5
* 2019-03-20 7.6
add mode watch-ospf-neighbors
* 2019-02-19
remove adsl-line-mib
* 2019-02-18 7.5
add Draytek Vigor
* 2019-01-09 7.4.3
add mode interface-security (cisco)
* 2018-12-17
finish ha-status for cisco wlc
* 2018-12-12 7.4.2
start ha for cisco wlc
improve paloalto uptime model string
improve ucd memory
* 2018-12-04
fix cisco bgp for routers which do not export the proptietary mib, but bgp4
* 2018-12-04
fix undefs for Huawei with older Mibs
fix fortigate sensors
* 2018-12-04 7.4.1
detect more Huawei devices
* 2018-12-03 7.4
use proprietary bgp mib for cisco (and add ipv6)
make ospd v6-ready
add servertpe generic_ucd
fix ciscoipsecflow fail timestamps
* 2018-10-22 7.3.1
add modes ha-status/role for fortigate
* 2018-10-22
update glplugin (CISCO-STACKWISE-MIB)
* 2018-10-21
update glplugin (for go-worker)
* 2018-10-17
update glplugin
better fortigate detection
* 2018-09-28
update glplugin
* 2018-09-25
re-enable Huawei CloudEngine support
* 2018-09-10 7.3
update stack-status
add servertype hostresource
update cisco vpn-status
* 2018-08-13
bugfix in interface-modes where –name3 found no match
* 2018-08-10
bugfix in ios ha-status, ignore cable “failover” description
* 2018-08-01 7.2
add packet forwarding engine metrics for juniper standby nodes
* 2018-07-26 7.1
add custom thresholds for cisco ccm
detect fritzbox 7490
* 2018-07-13 7.0.2
add interface-uptime
fix a bug in non-map FabOS memory
set thresholds to 100% for cisco asa heapcache memory-usage
* 2018-06-18
update glplugin (get_snmp_table_objects waja fix)
* 2018-05-05
simplify the cisco memory exceptions
* 2018-04-29
bugfix in cisco global shared memory > 9.3.2
* 2018-03-31
fix a bug in link-aggregation-availability
* 2018-03-13
fix a bug in cisco enhanced mempool mib and posixmem (thx sabedevops)
* 2018-03-07 7.0.1
improve f5, add ha-role, check-config, count-connections
* 2018-03-01
update GLPlugin
* 2018-02-26
ignore free space of iso mounts in hostresource mib
* 2018-02-06
fix a bug in hostresourcesmib memory calc. (arista eos)
* 2018-02-08
update glplugn, add modes encode/decode, rfc3986
* 2018-01-23
merge pull request #164 (simonmeggle)
add bluecoat asg fix from Stefan Kublik
* 2018-01-12
check the clock of checkpoint fw
* 2018-01-11
fix a bug in checkpoint vpn-status
* 2018-01-08
update glplugin
* 2018-01-05 7.0
code improvements, fix hh3c entities
* 2017-12-27
fix f5 versions
* 2017-12-21 6.4.4
add interface-duplex
* 2017-12-15
fix a bug in vsx-firewall1-fork
* 2017-12-14
update glplugin
* 2017-12-14
update glplugin
* 2017-12-12 6.4.3
add checkpoint ha-status, fix checkpoint vpn-status
* 2017-11-27
rewrite pretty_sysdesc
* 2017-11-23
updateGLPlugin (remove session timeout)
* 2017-11-20
* 2017-11-03 6.4.2
implement pool-completeness for f5-gtm-pools (–role gtm)
* 2017-09-29
ignore dummy filesystems in HOSTRESOURCEMIBS
* 2017-09-23
get ospf table twice if a 2nd contect exists
* 2017-09-22
update GLPlugin (use 2nd context for OSPF)
* 2017-09-21
fix interface-stack-status, arista’s ifStackTable was buggy
* 2017-09-18
blacklist l3 routing card (and power supply) if a nexus is used as l2 switch
* 2017-09-16
workaround for CSCuv18572
* 2017-09-13
fix hostresourcemib, interface sit0 can be down by default
(is disabled in Cisco UC)
* 2017-08-25 6.4.1
add vpn-status for checkpoint
* 2017-08-25
fix brocade aliasing in interface-status
* 2017-08-24
fix brocade alias aliasing
* 2017-08-24
update glplugin, sw-mib fix
* 2017-08-24
replace empty ifAlias with swFCPortName for FabOS (Brocade) devices
merge pr #147, thanks arigaud. skip undef temperatured of foundry devices
implement eltex gear (pull request #144)
fix a perl-undef in Juniper BGP (pull request #143)
nsPowerDesc can be null (pullrequest #134)
* 2017-08-07
fix C3750 redundant power supplies
* 2017-08-04
fix undefined thresholds in arista sensors
* 2017-07-17
fix false positives in cisco ethernet service modules SM-ES3G-24-P
allow mitigation of cisco disabled catalyst power supplies
* 2017-06-28
allow mitigation of a subLayerDown stack
* 2017-06-20
update GLPlugin (lcos-mib)
* 2017-06-19
ring redundancy is ok if the stack has only one member
* 2017-06-09
fix a bug in f5 member connections (Thanks Yannick Charton)
skip ifIndex in interface-stack-status (makes nexus crash)
* 2017-06-07
update glplugin
* 2017-06-01 6.3
update glplugin
add Lancom
* 2017-05-19
workaround for ios 12.x and buggy ifstacktable
* 2017-05-17
and fix list-interfaces…
* 2017-05-17
fix –name for non-uinique indices
* 2017-05-17 6.2.2
add an index to ifDescr which have no unique names
* 2017-05-15
GLPlugin update
* 2017-05-12
GLPlugin update
* 2017-05-12
fix a bug in interface-health
* 2017-05-12
fix a bug in interface-availability
* 2017-05-09
fix interface etherstats, stacks
add fortigate disks
* 2017-05-03
fix a bug in interface-health and 10GE ports.
* 2017-04-26
use carrier if operstatus is unknown for linuxlocal interfaces
add dummy speed to linux virtio interfaces
* 2017-04-18 6.2.0
add support for junox bgp with ipv6, thanks dupondje
fix a bug in bluecoat, allow warningx now
* 2017-04-15 6.1.1
support Brocade Ironport and enhance FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB
* 2017-04-13
reverse hrStorage mem thresholds
* 2017-03-30
fix a bug in 64bit interface-usage (Thanks Julian)
* 2017-03-27
pdate GLPlugin
* 2017-03-25 6.1
update entity-sensor-mib
* 2017-03-24
bugfixes in interface etherstats
* 2017-03-22
bugfix in etherstats for 32bit
better error message for no access points found
replace continue by next. failed on older distributions
* 2017-03-20
fix brocade fabos cpu/memory with MAPS installed
* 2017-03-19 6.0.2
improve interface-etherstats
* 2017-03-10
update GLPlugin
* 2017-03-03
fix uninitialized-bug
* 2017-03-03
special treatment for counterless StackSub interfaces
* 2017-03-03
Merge pull request #126 from ciscoqid/patch-1
* 2017-03-02 6.0.1
remove steelhead prettyprint
* 2017-02-24 6.0
cisco chassis check snmp tuning
fix cisco-envmon-mib
nxos hardware check snmp tuning
fix cisco wlan no-ap clustercheck
detect more f5 models
add f5 wide ip check
improve host-resource-mib
speedup interface checks
add interface-etherstats
add ha-status for juniper vsd members
customer release #12.2a
add mode interface-stack-status
add riverbed steelhead
* 2017-02-10 5.13
bugfix in f5 output message
make f5 perfdata labels more consistent
checkpoint multicore. Thanks Peter Hanraets
* 2017-01-28
fix pool checks for big-ip 12.x (thanks abzeidler)
* 2017-01-27
fallback to ios if cisco wlc has no cpu/mem oids
bugfix in chassis-hardware-health delta of ports
bugfix in chassis-hardware-health duplicate fan output
* 2017-01-27
fix cisco wlc ap admin status
* 2017-01-26
detect more cisco wireless controllers
* 2017-01-18
update GLPlugin (uptime)
* 2017-01-11 5.12
detect checkpoint gaia
* 2016-12-28 5.11.3
detect more hp procurve switches (J9624A etc. may need new firmware revision RA.16.02.0012, ROM RA.15.13)
* 2016-12-19
/dev/md on Juniper srx is considered as procfs
* 2016-12-19
fix performance labels for HOSTRESOURCESMIB dev filesystems
* 2016-12-14
optimize uptime, no bulk for brocade sensors
* 2016-12-12
bluecoat disk usage can be overridden with own thresholds
* 2016-12-12
* 2016-12-12 5.11.2
fix in cisco asr lsmpi memory
skip thresholds for dev filesystem in HOSTRESOURCESMIB
* 2016-12-06 5.11.1
detect juniper pulse secure
juniper srx temperatures and leds
* 2016-11-29 5.11
reverse usage/free in hostresourcemib memory-usage, so the same thresholds can be use for every kind of device
mv juniper-mib to glplugin
add etherstats
* 2016-11-09
fix nexus sensor perfdata, metrics without thresh. were not shown (Thanks Dennis Knecht)
* 2016-10-29 5.10
add smart-home-device-temperature, add Comet DECT
* 2016-10-19
fix memory-usage for Catalyst L3 (which have empty CISCO-ENHANCED-MEMPOOL-MIB)
* 2016-10-10 5.9
add arista
add cisco small business
* 2016-09-30 5.8.1
add mode count-accesspoint-clients for cisco wlc
* 2016-09-20
don’t use | in interface-availability ascii output for notifications
* 2016-09-19
fix pull request #107 (this was the last pull request i will accept for this plugin. sorry, if you are not able to test your contributions, go away)
* 2016-09-19 5.8
update ucd-diskio, cumulus
* 2016-08-12
update GLPlugin/Extraopts
* 2016-07-07
remove trailing Nul from Bintec memories
* 2016-07-07
Bintec doesn’t like bulk requests
* 2016-06-16
repair a pull request.
* 2016-05-30 5.7.1
update GLPlugin
* 2016-05-28
bugfix in nortel hardware-checks. (Thanks trentasis)
* 2016-05-17
Do not check UCDMIB swap when there is no swap
* 2016-05-14
fix a typo in a filename (Thanks vifino)
* 2016-05-10 5.7
add Bintec Bibo (1202)
add Cisco ASA mode ha-role (including cluster-health check)
* 2016-05-10 5.6.1
fix detection of Pulse Secure Gateways
* 2016-05-06 5.6
more dhoffend pull requests (linux ucdmib memory, lmsensors)
* 2016-05-02 5.5
add vrrp-modes
dhoffend pull requests (linux ucdmib, lsmpio bugfix, hsrp multiple roles)
* 2016-03-29 5.4
add processor index in cisco enhanced memory
* 2016-03-11 5.3.3
Use 64bit-counters from cisco-enhanced-mempool-mib if available (cisco bug CSCuu46705)
Merge pull request #61 from Napsty/checkpoint-mgmt
Merge pull request #67 from Napsty/list-detail-alias
Simplify interface code
* 2016-02-29 5.3.2
Merge pull request #64 Claudio Kuenzler
* 2016-02-25 5.3.1
bugfix in –ifspeed
* 2016-02-16 5.3
add mode chassis-hardware-health (for cisco)
* 2016-02-16 5.2.2
update checkpoint, use new mib
fallback if no cisco cpu index can be found
* 2016-02-15 5.2.1
refactor interface-usage, bugfix in list-interfaces
bugfix in link-aggregation-availability thresholds
* 2016-02-09 5.2
fix cisco bgp prefix count if no peers were found
small fix in interfaces, add flat_indices
bugfix in entity-sensor-mib
add glplugin submodule (Thanks k0ste)
pr #52 cisco-alarm-mib parse octets (Thanks dhoffend)
* 2015-12-20 5.1
Fix IOS-XE which no longer support the ENVMON MIB. Use FRU MIB instead. (Zhanks Daniel Hoffend, pull request #49)
* 2015-11-24 5.0
introduce new units (based on 1000 instead of 1024), will have an impact on interface perfdata thresholds
* 2015-11-24 4.8
add Huawei CloudEngine
pull request #45 chomp Checkpoint HA state (Thanks Claudio Kuenzler)
pull request #46 Add CheckPoint Power Supply Check (Thanks Claudio Kuenzler)
* 2015-11-18 4.7.1
detect CheckPoint IPSO (Thanks Claudio Kuenzler)
* 2015-11-05 4.7
fix standalone version
* 2015-10-22 4.6.1
add –mode interface-health to linux, solaris, windows
find more bluecoat models
* 2015-10-02 4.6
add –mode interface-health
* 2015-09-29 4.5
merge huawei h3c from lazyfrosch-hh3c-switches
output ifAlias in interface-modes (if it exists and != ifDescr)
* 2015-09-06 4.4
add rapid-city-mib
add entity-mib for cisco asa
* 2015-08-18 4.3.1
add ha-role for Aruba
* 2015-08-17 4.3
add Alcatel OmniAccess (Aruba)
* 2015-08-17 4.2.1
GLPlugin update
* 2015-07-31 4.2
pull request #36. bugfix in cisco asyncos keys (Thanks Frank Meischner)
pull request #25. cisco check-config more useful. (Thanks mhoogveld)
add Nortel S5-CHASSIS-MIB, works for 4526GTX
add OneAccess OneOS
add Solaris local interfaces
GLPlugin update
* 2015-07-03 4.1
add –count-bgp-prefixes for cisco
* 2015-06-28 4.0
add –watch-bgp-peers
add –reset for watch-bgp-peers
bugfix in f5-pool-checks, where oids are not available during a transition”
* 2015-06-25 3.5.4
allow –name dest/cidr for mode count-routes
* 2015-06-22 3.5.3
fix a bug in f5 member connection limit noSuchInstance
add mode count-routes (find mpls problems)
add mode count-bgp-peers
* 2015-05-06 3.5.2
add –community2 (necessary if there are different ospf contexts)
raise max-repetitions for table-bulk-requests (large number of interfaces)
* 2015-04-19 3.5.1
bugfix in thresholds of morphed performancedata
* 2015-04-09 3.5
implement ospf and modes ospf-neighbor-status and list-ospf-neighbors
* 2015-03-29
separate discards from errors in linuxlocal
* 2015-03-03
combine pool-connections and pool-completion for f5
finish pool-complections
* 2015-02-28
detect (not implement!) netgear
* 2015-02-26 3.4.4
add mode pool-connections for f5
* 2015-02-19 3.4.3
allow mitigation of admin down bgp peer
add morphperfdata
* 2015-01-30
bugfix in GLPlugin (multiple –negate)
* 2015-01-28
more trailing null cleanup. (Thanks Jörg Linge)
* 2015-01-27
bugfix in interface-usage windows+snmp+trailing null in ifDescr. (Thanks Jörg Linge)
* 2015-01-14
bugfix in interface-status and snmp-table-get (no more false 64bit interfaces)
* 2015-01-08
shorten interface-output with report=short
* 2015-01-05
fix a perl-bug in F5 (was introduced in 3.4.2)
* 2015-01-02
fix lsmpi_io for cisco asr1000 (Thanks Andreas Schulz)
fix Fritz!Box upnp control url (Thanks Bernd)
* 2014-12-23
use fallbacks to find fexes (cefexConfigTable may not be populated)
* 2014-12-16 3.4.2
use cefexConfigTable for mode watch-fexes
bugfix in cisco nexus sensors (had undef perl warnings)
* 2014-12-12 3.4.1
bugfix in bluecoat hardware (skip perfdata of missing psus)
* 2014-12-11 3.4
add vpn-status for cisco asa
* 2014-12-08 3.3
add windowslocal
* 2014-12-06 3.2.2
unique names for cisco cpus pointing to the same physical entity
* 2014-11-29 3.2.1
remove unnecessary use statement
finalize paloalto ha
make list-interfaces and update-cache faster
* 2014-11-18
hide some debug printfs
* 2014-11-10 3.2
add palo alto hardware, sensors, ha
make nexus cpu names unique
* 2014-11-02 3.1.1
bugfix my-modes
add paloaltomib
* 2014-09-26 3.1
add Clavister Firewall (Thanks Dirk Goetz)
fix GLPluginSNMP, all timeout-like errors are UNKNOWN
allow warningx/criticalx to override cisco sensor thresholds
* 2014-09-55 3.0.4
bugfix in glplugin (tmp-file-paths wrong under epn) (Thanks Sven Nierlein)
* 2014-09-15
bugfix in bgp error states (Thanks Matthias Gallinger)
bugfix in f5 pools (Thanks Sven Nierlein)
* 2014-08-28
bugfix in interface-usage/ifspeed (Thanks Matthias Gallinger)
* 2014-08-26
bugfix in glpluginsnmp (undef errors with loadbalacer index)
* 2014-08-25
bugfix in glpluginsnmp / (fritzbox cpu undef-error)
* 2014-08-22
bugfix in glplugin/uptime because of buggy snmpengineuptime
* 2014-08-21
bugfix in glplugin/uptime thresholds
* 2014-08-21
add a hack with –name2 which allows shortening of stupid interface names (make dmz1 from Adaptive Security Appliance ‘dmz1’ interface)
* 2014-08-20
update GLPluginSNMP (timeout handling)
* 2014-08-20
fix interfaces which seem to be 64bit but have no counters
* 2014-08-19 3.0.3
bugfix in offline mode
update GLPlugin
update GLPluginSNMP
* 2014-08-15
bugfix in ios memory criticalx/warningx thresholds
* 2014-08-14
update GLPluginSNMP
* 2014-08-14 3.0.2
improve interface-usage performance data
detect more brocade models
* 2014-08-13 3.0.1
bugfix in interface-usage temp-files
* 2014-08.01 3.0
jetzt langts mit der ridiseignerei
* 2014-03-17 3.0x
massive rewriting of the plugins structure and modules
repair malformed data returned by Net::SNMP
add interface-nat-rejects and interface-nat-session-count for IOS
add hardware-health for cisco asa
bugfix for old brocade devices and missing cpu/memory oids
bugfix in Cisco Call Manager
bugfix in IOS Memory for ASR 9000 image and reserved pool
bugfix in cisco wlc status
add hardware-health for cisco pix
add mode supportedmibs
last fallback alarm-mib for ios without envmon-mib
bugfix in timeticks for hp
bugfix in Nexus sensor thresholds (Thanks Marcel Fischer)
bugfix in snmp-bulk-gets, more secure fallbacks to get-next
bugfix in 64bit-interfaces
GLPlugin update & cleanup
get uptime from the FRAMEWORK-MIB to prevent rollovers
* 2014-02-07
add another cisco unified communication model
* 2014-01-31
handle a missing brocade fabric watch license in cpu-load & memory-usage
* 2014-01-24 2.6.5
add mode –check-config, which finds unsaved (cisco only) configs (Thanks Simon Meggle)
* 2014-01-18
bugfix in uptime (Thanks Finn Christiansen)
* 2014-01-15
add http connection checks for bluecoat sg
* 2014-01-14 2.6.4
add cisco ccm
* 2014-01-11
support more SecureOS devices (i bought Juniper SSG5)
bugfix in upnp-detection
* 2013-12-21 2.6.3
output number of sessions for f5 bigip load balancer pools
deal with obviously wrong values from devices (20000% cpu usage)
foundry server load balancing
bugfix in interface-* for Juniper IVE
filter hsrp groups by name
* 2013-11-08
added support for role based login for Fritz Boxes (available since
FRITZ!OS 5.50). Use –community for password, –username for username if
role based security is switched on.
* 2013-11-09
bugfix for fritzbox
* 2013-11-08 2.6.1
hardware-health for Checkpoint Firewall-1
* 2013-11-07 2.6
finished bgp-peer-status (focus on as numbers with –name2)
admin down with –interface-status can have any level with –mitigation
* 2013-10-31
add Fujitsu Intelligent Blade Panel 30/12
* 2013-10-30 2.5.4
add bgp
* 2013-10-01 2.5.3
detect more brocade devices
* 2013-09-26
supress double output for html f5 pool members
* 2013-09-25 2.5.2
add html output for f5 pool members
* 2013-09-18
removed a leftover Data::Dumper (Thanks Frank Belau)
* 2013-09-17
bugfix in lsmpi_io memory pools of Cisco ASR (100% even with –warning/–critical)
* 2013-09-11 2.5.1
set a 100% threshold for lsmpi_io memory pools of Cisco ASR (Thanks James Clark & Perun)
* 2013-09-10 2.5
implemented offline mode with –snmpwalk & –offline
* 2013-09-03 2.4
add Cisco IronPort AsyncOS
* 2013-08-27 2.3
add Juniper IVE (ex. Pulse-Gateway MAG4610)
add count-connections for cisco asa
* 2013-07-11 2.2
add memory-usage for checkpoint
add detection for cpx
* 2013-07-09 2.1.1
skip non-interface files in /sys/class/net for servertype linuxlocal (Thanks Sven Nierlein)
better error handling on unwritable statefiles/dirs
* 2013-06-12 2.1
added “–servertype ifmib” so you can use “–mode interface” with every kind of ifmib-capable device
* 2013-06-01 2.0
added support for AVM FRITZ!DECT 200 smart plug
* 2013-05-27
bugfix for the bugfix in commandline options (Thanks webspace Mario)
* 2013-05-23 1.9.8
add Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. ICX6610-24-HPOE, IronWare
bugfix in commandline options (Thanks TheCry)
* 2013-05-17
added another fallback for snmp-get_entries
fixed a bug in uptime (only first minute after reboot)
* 2013-04-20
fixed a bug in snmpwalk simulation and savestate
* 2013-04-08
bugfix, interfaces were shown twice in list-interfaces
* 2013-03-26
set automatic thresholds for link-aggregation-availability
* 2013-03-25 1.9.7
added link-aggregation-availability
* 2013-03-19 1.9.6
fixed a bug in interface-

speedup in interface-* (with –name and 64bit)
added a hostname/community hash to statefiles
* 2013-02-13
fixed a bug deep inside snmp bulkwalks and lots of interfaces (Thanks Uestuen Oender)
* 2013-02-24 1.9.5
add interface-availability
* 2013-02-11 1.9.4
add Cisco Wireless LAN Controller 5500
* 2013-02-11
fixed a bug in statefiles with uppercase directory names. (Thanks Matthias Gallinger)
* 2013-02-10 1.9.3
add blue coat sg600
* 2013-02-02 1.9.2
removed my static ip from FRITZ!BOX interface-usage (Thanks Stef)
* 2013-01- 1.9.1
fixed a bug in FFritz!BOX uptime (Thanks Lars Urban)
3013-01 1.9
add uptime and interface-usage for AVM FRITZ!Box 7390
add cpu-load and memory-usage for AVM FRITZ!Box 7390
* 2013-01-13 1.8
-add cpu&memory check for juniper netscreen
* 2013-01-12 1.7.1
add a name caching mechanism for f5 bigip pools
* 2013-01-08 1.7
add f5 bigip pool completeness
add member info for failed f5 pools
* 2012-12-10 1.6
add checkpoint firewall-1
* 2012-11-23 1.5
add 64bit interfaces
* 2012-09-26
fix a bug in uptime calculation
* 2012-09-24 1.4.9
add hp procurve cpu-load and memory-usage
fix a bug in cisco memory perfdata
* 2012-08-28 1.4.8
add hp procurve hardware
* 2012-08-21
fix a bug in servertype locallinux, interfaces and –name (Thanks Simon Meggle)
* 2012-08-21 1.4.7
add f5 bigip
bugfix in mode uptime
* 2012-08-10 1.4.6
add mode uptime
* 2012-08-10
fix a bug in statefilesdir creation under omd
* 2012-08-02
add more hardware info for EMC-DS24M2 (McData Sphereon 4500)
* 2012-07-31 1.4.5
add UCD-MIB for SecureOS (McAfee Sidewinder)
* 2012-07-31 1.4.4
add fibre alliance mib sensor table for MeOS/DS-4700M
* 2012-07-20
add the index to interface names, if interfaces all have the same name
first experiments with MeOS
* 2012-07-12 1.4.3
fix a bug in the role parameter for hsrp
fix a temperature index where ios doesn’t set the counter itself
add mib2-interface-modes to brocade fabos
* 2012-07-05 1.4.2
add mode encode for interface names with ‘ or “
* 2012-07-05 1.4.1
add –ifspeedin, –ifspeedout, –ifspeed (used for asymmetric mpls)
* 2012-06-22 1.4
add linux local interfaces (interface-usage/errors only) with –servertype linuxlocal
add mode walk
rename brocade300 -> fabos
* 2012-04-23 1.3
add mode list-interfaces-detail (Cisco only)
add brocade300 (hardware-health,memory-usage,cpu-load only)
* 2012-03-29 1.2
add support for Cisco Nexus (cpu, mem, )
add Nexus sensors
add Allied Telesyn (only interfaces so far)
* 2012-03-19
bugfix in list-hsrp-groups
–units KBi/MBi/GBi for interface-usage
* 2012-02-22 1.1.1
add mode hsrp-failover (Thanks Munich)
* 2012-02-22 1.1
add mode hsrp-state (Thanks Munich)
* 2012-01-05
some more debug messages
* 2012-01-04 1.0
Nortel devices are recognized. (only interfaces can be queried by now)
no official changes yet

2011-3000 Gerhard Laußer
Check_nwc_health wird unter der GNU General Public License zur Verfügung gestellt. GPL


Gerhard Laußer ( beantwortet gerne Fragen zu diesem Plugin.
Am liebsten hört er die Frage: “Können sie mir ein Angebot schicken?”
Und was er gar nicht mag “Hallo Gerhard, wir setzen dein Plugin ein, um Geld zu verdienen” - Freut mich für euch. - “Ich weiß, du hörst das nicht gern, aber….” - Mein Gesicht verfinstert sich - “Könntest du vielleicht trotzdem…” - NEIN!